Refresh Project Tree

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Refresh Project Tree

Post by sparkhi » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:50 am

What do I need to do to refresh the project tree in SOS? Recently a new project (folder) was added to the sourcesafe but SOS tree did not show it. I had to get it from the sourcesafe directly before SOS updated its list. Kind of defeated the purpose of having SOS.

Does the refresh happen based on the (client) date time? I am curious because my SOS server is in AUS and SOS client is in UK

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Post by lbauer » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:41 am

Refreshing the project tree is a very bandwidth-intensive operation -- automatic refreshes can greatly slow performance. For that reason, in SOS the project tree refresh is a manual operation. The refresh command is in the SOS GUI Client under View->Refresh Project Tree.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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