How SOurceOffSite will maintain Histrory in Offshore model.

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How SOurceOffSite will maintain Histrory in Offshore model.

Post by nrraman.tnj » Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:22 am

My server is installed in USA. If one user is checked out the file from USA and another user is checked out the file from India. How it will maintain the history. Please clear my doubt.

Thanks in advance

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Post by lbauer » Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:49 am

If users are checking out the files from the same VSS database, all changes will be recorded in VSS history, whether the file is checked out from India or with from the US. You can "Show History" on the item using VSS or SOS and see the history.

Let us know if you have further questoins.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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