Problem with SOS Client Access through Firewall with NAT

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Problem with SOS Client Access through Firewall with NAT

Post by PLMHoyle » Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:18 am

We have had SOS 3.5.3 on W2000 SP4 quitesuccessfully for some time. It has recently been necessary to install a firewall with Network Address translation and folowing that we are unable to use SOS from outside the firewall.

The client can contact the server through the firewall, but the server logs the following in the log.txt file:
- Connection Established
- Error processing client message
- User "null" disconnected

The server is listening only on the secure port 8890. We have generated a new client key based on the internal ip address as used by the server.

Any idea of what we have done wrong and how to correct the problem ?
Paul L M Hoyle

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Post by lbauer » Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:40 am

If you're using NAT, then the user key should be generated with the IP address that's exposed to the Internet, rather than the internal IP address.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:32 pm


Thank you for your email, the solution you give was tried (but by another user not by me) and reported as not working.

When I tried generating a key the user (who is in another country) reported everything working perfectly. Just shows we should never trust end users.

Many thanks for the help

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