sos bug? refresh problem

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sos bug? refresh problem

Post by huangjunzhou » Thu May 18, 2006 2:08 am

Hi,I am so puzzled for the refresh problem:

I use vss6 client creat a project name:"01 TC500",then creat two sub project name "1.1 2D" and "1.2 3D" ,then add some files to these two sub project.

Then I close the vss6 client ,use sos client (v3.5.3) to login,but to my surprised,I can only see project :"01 TC500",in the project tree ui,there is no the two sub project(""1.1 2D" and "1.2 3D" "),and I use "refresh file list" and "refresh project tree",but no use,I still can not see them!

I click right mouse menu "Properties" int the project "01 TC500",In the genaral tab,it is :

the project is not cloaked

0 Files
+ 0 Deleted
2 Subprojects
+ 0 Deleted
Where is the 2 Subprojects???????????????????
I can not see them in sos but can see them in sos,Why???????????????????????

I have refresh many many times ,no use

sosbug.jpg (45.9 KiB) Viewed 9380 times

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I found a strange problem

Post by huangjunzhou » Thu May 18, 2006 4:45 am

I have test many times,Now I found a strange problem:

first step use vss client creat a subproject,then use sos client to login in ,
you can not see the subproject on the left project tree panel whether you refresh project tree many many times(but can see there is a subproject in the properties panel).
But if you now creat another subproject by using sos client,and then refresh,WOWOWO,you can see the two subprojects now!

Can anybody unpuzzle this?

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Post by lbauer » Thu May 18, 2006 8:01 am

Are you refreshing the project tree or just the file list?

SOS caches the project tree on the client side, in the databaseX.sos file. In SOS 3.5.3, this file is in the SOS Client directory in the servers\<servername> directory. The project tree refresh is not refreshed automatically, since project tree refresh is very slow.

To see the projects added by a VSS client, refresh the project tree. The command is under View->Refresh Project Tree. This operation should be done at least one level above where the folders were added -- 04 TC500, or from the root directory.

If that still doesn't work, close your SOS client, rename the databaseX.sos file, then reconnect to your SOS Server. A new cache file should be created.
Linda Bauer
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Post by lbauer » Thu May 18, 2006 9:46 am

There may be a problem with writing to or refreshing the cache file (databaseX.sos). Perhaps when SOS itself creates the folder it triggers a refresh.

If you rename the databaseX.sos file, does that file and the project tree get recreated. In the new project tree, do you see the projects added by VSS?

Also, if Project Rights are enabled in VSS, make sure you have rights to the new folders that were created by VSS.
Linda Bauer
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I still can not see the project created by vss

Post by huangjunzhou » Thu May 18, 2006 6:25 pm

I change the default user of vss "admin" ,but no use ,see the image.
I have renamed the database1.sos to database22222.222 then do project fresh ,no use no use!!!!!!!(i can not see the project "44" created by vss(see image)
but when I creat another project under $ by using sos,then project fresh ,wowowo,i can see the two projects,why?
sosfresh.jpg (61.11 KiB) Viewed 9365 times

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Post by lbauer » Fri May 19, 2006 3:17 pm

I will need to refer this to our SOS developer. We see if we can determine why this is happening.
Linda Bauer
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Partial Refresh

Post by Snetzka » Mon May 22, 2006 9:27 pm


I was wondering if you have had any joy on this issue. I have a team of 7 programmers, 6 who work fine and 1 who has this very same problem.

Not all folders are visable, and files within some folders are also not visable and there is no ( as far as we can see) link to what can / can-not be seen.

Even re-instal of the client does not cure the problem.


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i think the problem is in the sourceoffsite server side

Post by huangjunzhou » Tue May 23, 2006 9:15 am

I have do many testsin my company local area network,I have installed the sos client software in my pc: "pc no1","pc no2","pc no3"....
if I create a project in "pc no1" by using sos client,then I come to "pc no2","pc no3" and then done project refresh,ok,I can see the project create by "pc no1".I think that the sourceoffsite have "remember" the project tree structure in the server side cache. but if i use vss explorer in the server to create a new project,then the sourcoffsite server side will ignore that,it have"forget"it even I reinstall a sos client software in "pc no1",I still can not see the project created by vss.
I think it is a big bug must to be resolved!!

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Post by lbauer » Tue May 23, 2006 9:33 am

Try these steps:

Open the SOS Client and highlight the top (root) directory, $/.

Then under the View menu, select Refresh Project Tree, Cntrl+F5.

This will refresh the project tree. It may take a long time.

When the operation is done, do you see the projects?

If still do not see the projects, is there an error in the status pane, at the bottom of the SOS Client?

Are there any errors in the SOS Server log (log.txt in the SOS Server directory on the server machine) for the time of the refresh?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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I have tested according your method but still no use

Post by huangjunzhou » Wed May 24, 2006 9:06 am

I have tested according your method but still no use.
no any error an error in the status pane at the bottom of the SOS Client.
no any error in the log.txt!

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Post by lbauer » Thu May 25, 2006 10:38 am

One more thing to try: close your SOS Client. Delete the client-side cache in C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite\servers\<servername>. The file is called databaseX.sos.

Then connect again. This should re-create the project tree and update it.
Do you see all the projects now?

If you still have problems seeing projects that were added with VSS, then we need additional information about your system configuration.

1) do all users have the problem on all machines, or is this just a problem on one machine?

2) There is a Japanese version of SOS. Are you using that, or the English version?

3) What version of the VSS automation component is installed on the SOS Server machine?

Code: Select all

To determine the version, locate the ssapi.dll file in the Win32 directory of the VSS Client installed on the SOS Server machine. Right click on the ssapi.dll file, choose Properties->Version.
4) Are you using an English language version of VSS?

5) What operating system is on the SOS Client machine that is having the problem? Is it an English or Chinese OS?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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