ParseStream created a null message

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ParseStream created a null message

Post by Yoreck » Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:19 pm


We use SOS 4.1.2 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and VSS 8.0.50727.42,
I got the following error:

4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Enter GetFile(3)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Enter SendFile(2)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Exit SendFile(2)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Exit GetFile(3): Tamtron.TamtronServer.Company.DAL.csproj
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Exit GetFile(1)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Enter GetFile(1)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Enter GetFile(3)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Enter SendFile(2)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Exit SendFile(2)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Exit GetFile(3): Tamtron.TamtronServer.Company.DAL.csproj.vspscc
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Exit GetFile(1)
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: ParseStream created a null message!
4/6/2006 7:47:33 PM - 591: Enter KillConnection()

I got no error message from visual studio, but I found that some files downloaded with sos as provider are not identical with the same files downloaded with vss client as provider. Deleting everything from \Docoments and Settings\%username%\ApplicationData\SourseGear\SOS\servers solved the problem temporary, but it appear again.

What can I do to prevent this in future, and that "ParseStream created a null message!" mean? I found no answer on your site exept "reboot your server" :(

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Post by lbauer » Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:25 am

ParseStream created a null message!

This is a somewhat generic message that means the automation component got a message it didn't understand. Sometimes this is caused by a flaky network connection or minor database corruption.

Is this happening consistently on certain operations, or is it intermittent?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:51 pm

Post by Yoreck » Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:08 pm

It often happened with *.vspscc files. In most resent situation other files were copyed with no error. Howewer, sometimes it happened with any type of file.

I can guess it can be some problem with sos client, or, maybe, visual studio, bacause after client reinstallation, or deleting \Docoments and Settings\%username%\ApplicationData\SourseGear\SOS\servers everything is ok.

But on the other side, the problem occurs on all computers at one time

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Post by Yoreck » Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:57 am

Can somebody help?

It takes too much time to delete
\Docoments and Settings\%username%\ApplicationData\SourseGear\SOS\servers

every day :(

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Post by Yoreck » Thu May 04, 2006 11:55 pm

Support, are you here?

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Location: SourceGear

Post by Terence » Fri May 05, 2006 9:30 am

We're currently looking at this and we'll get back to you shortly.

In the meantime, if you are using encryption, could you temporarily disable encryption with the operation to see if you still get the error?

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Post by lbauer » Mon May 08, 2006 1:15 pm

Is this something you can reproduce? Can you cause this to happen with a small test project? If so, let us know the steps to reproduce it.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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