VS2005 and web projects

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Post by Tonya » Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:53 pm


Thanks for the work around. I agree, your suggestion of not creating a web project first will probably eliminate a lot of issues. I will probably be doing more research in regards to web projects in VS 2005 and create a KB article with relevant information.



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Post by amensi » Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:14 pm

Hello folks,

Just for your information, VSNET2005 always creates a *.sln file. It's just hidden with web projects.

For example, i have a project called "ProjetBesner" a web project (web site in vs.net 2005) it is.

The solution is located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\ProjetBesner\ProjetBesner.sln

The way i work with vault is very simple, i put this .sln file in vault and voilà !

Alexandre Mensi
Senior ASP.net architect
Dot Architects

Rody van Sambeek
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Post by Rody van Sambeek » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:17 am

There is an easier solution to this. In Visual Studio 2005 there is an option that displays the solution also when it is a web project. It can be found at: Tools->Options->Projects & Solution->Always show solution.

Turn that option ON, and then create an empty web project. In the solution explorer you will see a solution above the website. Right-click on that solution and choose "add solution to source-control".

This way the project gets completely copied including all .sln files and it can be opened from the Source Control without any problems.

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Post by amensi » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:31 am

Rody van Sambeek wrote:There is an easier solution to this. In Visual Studio 2005 there is an option that displays the solution also when it is a web project. It can be found at: Tools->Options->Projects & Solution->Always show solution.

Turn that option ON, and then create an empty web project. In the solution explorer you will see a solution above the website. Right-click on that solution and choose "add solution to source-control".

This way the project gets completely copied including all .sln files and it can be opened from the Source Control without any problems.
You are absolutely right, i forgot about this option !

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