File list time issue

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File list time issue

Post by short1uk » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:50 am

We use SOS extensity so that the off shore team can access the databases. Due to SOS crashing regularly we have been doing some research in to this.

Some of the databases had errors in them so we have been running analyze to fix them. We asked the off shore team to tell us how long it takes to access different files and to do different tasks.

This is what they came back with

File/Folder Activity Time taken Remarks
1-1028/development/02_code/AQA_teacher Viewing file list 2 mins 34 secs 33 files in the folder
2 1008\Development\02_Code\EL_Foundation\content\ab Viewing file list 27 mins 40 secs 1273 files in the folder
5 1028/Development/graphics/01_cover/AQA_Activebook_cov.pdf Check out 16 secs File size : 246 kb
6 1028/Development/graphics/01_cover/AQA_Activebook_cov.pdf Check in 21 secs File size : 246 kb
7 1008 \Development\ELF_demo\ wrapper.exe Check out 2 mins 27 secs File size : 2.25 MB
8 1008 \Development\ELF_demo\ wrapper.exe Check in 1 mins 52 secs File size : 2.25 MB

28 minutes to view the file list is unacceptable.

Has anyone got any idea why it is taking so long to view the list?

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Post by lbauer » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:47 pm

What version of SOS client and server are you using?

What version of the VSS automation component is installed on the SOS Server machine? Here's how to find out:
Are users using the SOS GUI Client or Visual Studio?

Check these tips for optimal SOS performance:

Do any of these tips help?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:41 am

Post by short1uk » Wed May 03, 2006 4:08 am

SOS version 3.5.3

Sos gui client

Majority of the tips in the link we do anyway

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Thu May 04, 2006 8:42 am

SOS 3.5.3 is an old release. Did SOS used to work faster before? Is this a new problem?

SOS slowdowns can be due to minor database corruption. Be sure to run Analyze until there are no more errors reported. We recommend -f and -c parameters.

Performance can be affected by the number of users hitting the SOS server at a particular time. Be sure you have enough system resources (CPU, memory). It's a good idea to restart the SOS Server periodically to release memory.

Bandwith is another factor. What is the network connection between your remote developers and the SOS Server? SOS is optimized for latent/flaky connections, but if 10 users are using a 512K connection at the same time, this can slow things down.

One test of the speed of the SOS server is to install an SOS Client on the SOS Server machine and try the same operations that are slow to your users. Connect to the SOS Server using "local host." Are operations still very slow? If so, there may be an issue with the database, the VSS automation component, etc.

You could send me a copy of your SOS Server log and I can check to see if there are any errors, etc. that may be causing slowdowns in SOS. The log is called log.txt and is in the SOS Server directory. Email to Linda at Be sure to provide a link to this post in your email.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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