I have been creating a batch file to add new VB6 projects to Vault. All seems to be working ok, except 1 thing. I have shared a folder using the command line:
Code: Select all
vault.exe -host "myserver" -user "myuser" -password "" -repository "MYREPOSITORY" SHARE -commit "$/Main Folder/Build Files" "$/Main Folder Copy"
Code: Select all
vault.exe -host "myserver" -user "myuser" -password "" -repository "MYREPOSITORY" GET -makereadonly -merge later -verbose "$/Main Folder Copy/Build Files"
I have set a working folder in the vault client at the $ level and all my other folders inherit from this. The newly shared folder shows the correct inherited working folder in the vault client, and I can get from the vault client.<!-- There is no working folder specified for $/Main Folder Copy/Build Files
Please specify one using SETWORKINGFOLDER, or use the DESTPATH option to get
to a nonworking folder -->
What is happening?