Using SourceSafe and Vault

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Using SourceSafe and Vault

Post by gorshing » Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:34 am

I am a contracting and my company uses Vault for all of our projects and some of our customers projects.

We do have some clients that want us to use their SourceSafe database, so I will be needing to switch between using SourceSafe and Vault all the time. I have read that SourceOffSite will talk to VSS anywhere.

My main concern is what can I do to keep source control (whether it be VSS or Vault) integrated within Visual Studio. I don't use multiple source control providers per Visual Studio Solution (which I believe isn't supported), but I have many Visual Studio Solutions and they may use VSS or Vault.

What options do I have in order to keep source control integrated within VS? Hopefully I was clear enough in my explanation, let me know if I am not and I will elaborate.

Vault Client Version:
.Net Framework Version: 1.1.4322.2300
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack: 1.0
Total Physical Memory: 1023.22 MB

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Post by lbauer » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:21 am

This should be fairly simple, since you're not mixing projects in Vault and VSS.

If you want to work on a project with Vault integration, launch the Vault GUI Client and under Tools->Options->General, check "Make Vault my default scc provider." Then open Visual Studio and you should see Vault listed in the source control menus.

When you've completed working on that project and want to use integration with VSS, launch the Vault GUI client and uncheck the option to make Vault your default scc provider.

If you're working remotely and want to use SourceOffSite, you'd install an SOS Server on the LAN with the VSS database and install an SOS GUI Client on your local machine. To make SOS your default scc provider, launch the SOS GUI Client and under Tools->Options->General, check "Make SourceOffSite your default SCC provider.

There are also little apps available that allow you to switch between multiple scc providers through one GUI interface. Do a web search on "SCC Switcher," and you'll find some examples.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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