Hanging when "Logging in..."

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Hanging when "Logging in..."

Post by AnthonPr » Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:09 pm

I am using SOS client and server version 4.1.2. Myself, and several other users are experiencing hanging when trying to connect/login. Down in the status window it just says "Logging in..." and hangs there.

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe version 6.0d is installed on both my own machine and on the server.

I have set the one registry key to "Both"...on both my machine and the server.

I have restarted both my machine and the server.

The only time I can get a successful connection is if I stop and restart the Source Offsite service on the server. Only then, will the client machine connect, but it has to be immediately after. If I wait past 5 minutes, it just hangs again.

Please help. Attached is the server log file.

Thank you.
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Post by Tonya » Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:22 pm


Has SOS always had this problem or did it just begin? If it's a new issue, did you make any changes to your environment?

We have had other reports of similar problems but the 5 minute wait is very odd.

Tonya Nunn
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We're having the exact same problem

Post by hshaw » Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:45 pm

We have had SOS setup for about a month now and everything has been working fine. All of a sudden our remote users are reporting problems trying to log on. The SOS client seems to freeze at the point of logging on.

The only way we have found to fix this problem is to restart the SOS service on the server. This is only a temporary fix though as the problem keeps reoccuring,

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Post by lbauer » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:28 am

These issues are generally due to a crash of the VSS automation component. Certain versions are prone to a concurrency crash. What version do you have on the SOS Server machine?

To determine the version, locate the ssapi.dll file in the Win32 directory of the VSS Client installed on the SOS Server machine. Right click on the ssapi.dll file, choose Properties->Version.
Linda Bauer
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I also have the login hang issue.

Post by jonsroeder » Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:50 pm

I'm experiencing the same login hang.

I turned on verbose logging and here is the last log entry:

3/8/2006 4:39:03 PM - 1: Open the database.

The log is attached. Nothing of interest in the event log...

It's been working for 1/2 a year. Login hangs started last night. I don't know if there have been any config changes on the box that coincide with the start of this issue. ...Trying to figure that out

Windows 2000 server

SOS server version: 4.1

Client version: 4.1.2

VSS version: 6.0c

ssapi.dll version:
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SOS hanging issue

Post by jsotebeer » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:05 pm

We are experiencing the same issue. It happened around 11:00AM today. Restarting the SOS service always fixes the problem but it has been reoccuring.

Windows Server 2003
VSS Version: 6.0d (Build 9848)
SOS Server: 4.1
SOS Client: 4.1

We were previously running the same versions on a Windows 2000 Server and have upgraded to the new server and new install of 2003.
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Post by lbauer » Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:48 am

First, be sure you have made the registry fix for the VSS 6.0d automation component, version 9848. There is a known concurrency crash:


Your log file shows a large number of VSS syntax errors:
3/8/2006 11:39:17 AM - 2: Invalid SourceSafe syntax: "$/TJ-OptiFab/Development/TJ-OptiFab 2.3/TJModelViewControllerMediator/MVC/TestMVCUserCtrl/.svn/tmp" (8004d6ed)
This could be because you have directory that begins with a "dot" -- .svn. Some versions of VSS don't deal with this very well.

http://groups.google.com/group/microsof ... 29e83fd5ba

We haven't seen this error very often in the SOS logs, and it's unclear whether this could be the cause of some of the server "hangs."

I'd also suggest running Analyze on your VSS database

Linda Bauer
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VSS Registry fix for SOS

Post by pigroup » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:02 am

I had posted a support case several months back when we first installed SOS 4.1.2 server with this same problem. We are now experiencing this more regularly. No changes have been made to the server. A restart of the service seems to do the trick. This happens regularly on both of our SOS 4.1.2 servers. The SOS Service seems to take up 99% of the CPU during this time

We are using VSS 6.0. The version of the .dll file is Do I need to change this registry setting as this post:



Do you suggest any other fixes at the present time?



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Post by lbauer » Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:52 am

We are using VSS 6.0. The version of the .dll file is Do I need to change this registry setting as this post:


No, you do not have VSS 6.0d; you have an earlier version of VSS 6.0. In this case we recommend the Microsoft Hotfix version. See this link for more details:

Linda Bauer
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Gasp e-Server causing the problem

Post by pigroup » Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:14 am


I have found out that the Gasp e-Audit server aplication was installed on the SOS server on Friday, and this was when the server started to hang. The e-server service (of Gasp) takes 95% of the processor and the server crashes. We are in the process of testing this on other servers, but in the meantime do you know of any incompatibility issues with Gasp e-Audit v7 and Source OffSite?



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Post by lbauer » Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:03 am

do you know of any incompatibility issues with Gasp e-Audit v7 and Source OffSite?
From what you've reported, it seems to cause the SOS Server to crash. We haven't heard from other users about Gasp e- Autdit and SOS.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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