databaseX.sos file is corrupted. (soscmd.exe ver 4.1.2)

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databaseX.sos file is corrupted. (soscmd.exe ver 4.1.2)

Post by amarkumbhar » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:37 am

I am working with SourceOffSite client ver 4.1.2 (same ver as of server).

For the get letest I am using following command :

soscmd -command GetProject -server devsrv:8080 -name amar -password "" -alias eDev2 -project "$/Test" -time modification -eol windows -recursive -verbose

Also SOSHOME is set properly.

But soscmd get crashed (with message .....the memory could not be "written".... ) after it finishes the latest version. That is at the time of saving the database file.

It seems that databaseX.sos file is geting corrupted.
After renaming it, above command works fine.
But ONLY for the first time. Next time it again corrupts the databaseX.sos.

what is the problem ?
Same thing works fine using the SOS gui.


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Post by lbauer » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:57 pm

What operating system is the client installed on? Is there anything that could be interfering with writing to the SOS client cache file (databaseX.sos)?
Linda Bauer
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Posts: 3
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Post by amarkumbhar » Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:16 am

The client is installed on "Windows Server 2003".
I don't think there is anything interfering with writing to the SOS client cache file (databaseX.sos)?

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Post by lbauer » Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:35 am

Is just this specific command causing a problem? Can youGetProject on a different project using this same command.

What if you change the command and take out the -time paramater. Does it still corrupt the database cache file?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 3
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Post by amarkumbhar » Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:29 pm

>>>>> Is just this specific command causing a problem? Can youGetProject on a different project using this same command.
I am using only GetProject and GetFile commands. And I can get the different projecs usign the same commands. Every time crash is NOT for same project.

>>>>What if you change the command and take out the -time paramater. Does it still corrupt the database cache file?
I can not take out the "-time" parameter because I am working with huge database (about 500 MB). If I remove -time parameter, it will get the full latest which will be very time consuming.

Is there any relation of setting of working folder ?
I tried the GetProject command without setting the working foder, it won't crash ?


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Post by Sky » Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:39 am


I have the same problem too, but i am not able to reproduce it. I am using VB-Build using the SOS-Plugin and about one time a month the cache files get damaged and SOSCMD crashes when receiving files. The GUI also works fine.
After the files got corrupt SOSCMD crashes each time using VB-Build.
After deleting the cache files everything works.

I am using SOSCMD/GUI/Server 4.1.2 and Windows 2000 (Client; Server i dont know).

The crash starts Dr. Watson:
Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:
Anwendung: (pid=1032)
Wann: 02.03.2006 @ 09:04:39.940
Ausnahmenummer: c0000005 (Zugriffsverletzung)

*----> Systeminformationen <----*
Prozessoranzahl: 1
Prozessortyp: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 8
Windows 2000-Version: 5.0
Aktuelles Build: 2195
Service Pack: 2
Aktueller Typ: Uniprocessor Free
*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
0012FD48 778CB733 00310000 00D0B860 0012FDC0 00000000 ntdll!RtlFreeHeap
0012FDF0 004123C3 00310000 00000000 00D0B868 0000006C ntdll!RtlFreeHeap
0012FE2C 004045F9 00D0B868 00000000 00000893 7FFDF000 !<nosymbols>
0012FEE4 004142FC 00000011 00312980 00312AC0 00000094 !<nosymbols>
0012FFC0 77E7D326 00131378 00000045 7FFDF000 C0000005 !<nosymbols>
0012FFF0 00000000 00414190 00000000 000000C8 00000100 kernel32!CreateProcessW
Funktion: NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7788281e b8e9000000 mov eax,0xe9
77882823 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:0176d2f7=????????
77882827 cd2e int 2e
77882829 c21400 ret 0x14

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
00CDFD70 77E869C6 00CDFD48 00000001 00000000 00000000 ntdll!NtWaitForMultipleObjects
00CDFFB4 77E86523 00000005 00000000 000B000A 001578C8 kernel32!WaitForMultipleObjects
00CDFFEC 00000000 778221FE 001578C8 00000000 000000C8 kernel32!TlsSetValue

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