vba want to use sourceoffsite to connect vss file

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vba want to use sourceoffsite to connect vss file

Post by GAVEN » Wed Feb 15, 2006 3:19 am

Dear sir/madam:
I am glad to write my question to you.our sourceoffsite version is 4.0.2.
Our company is a worldwide ones,accordingly,we use your software client sourceoffsite recently.
But my problem is:
at before we develop a autobuild tool for release our CD version,the autobuild tool is developed by VBA,and used the vss's ssapi.dll to connect vss database file.
But now the pc just install the sourceoffsite not vss,so we can't use the ssapi.dll to autobuild code again.
my question is can i use a sourceoffsite dll file which seems like ssapi.dll in vss? if i can,can you kindly give me a instruction which will discrible how to use this dll.
thanks a lot.your any response answer will be appreciated.

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Post by lbauer » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:32 am

The SourceSafe automation component is called the ssapi.dll, and this is what SourceOffSite uses to communicate with the VSS database.

SourceOffSite does not have an automation component of its own -- we use the ssapi.dll, too.

If you need to do remote operations, you could use the SourceOffSite Command Line Client, and put SOS commands in your build scripts. The command line client is called soscmd.exe and is in the SOS 4.x client directory, along with the documentation, soscmd.txt.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:49 am


Post by GAVEN » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:25 pm

Thanks for your response,i will try two way.
1 i copy the ssapi.dll to my pc from another pc which already installed vss.and then
regsvr32 'E:\work\R_18\SSAPI.DLL'
at the last i try to run our VBA script,but the error message is
ActiveX component can't create object
the code is (
Private oE8000VSS As New VSSDatabase
oE8000VSS.Open SrcSafeIni, UserName, Password)
and then the error is happened
i don't know why?
by the way the enviroment is the vss file in swiss and a sourceoffsite server intalled in swiss,now in our country just install a sourceooffsite client.

2 i will try to use your soscmd.exe to connect vss file.but it is hard to do.i will try do it.

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