Show Labels needs sorting and filtering

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Show Labels needs sorting and filtering

Post by mlippert » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:09 pm

I just found out that a while ago I had labeled the wrong version of our Trunk (for a branch). In general it is best to create the label and then branch the label, but I forgot that and created the branch directly from the folder, and added the label later. I found out that I had labeled the wrong version probably a month later when I was merging Trunk changes to the branch, and it didn't make sense where that label was.

Anyway, I deleted the incorrect label and re-added it on the correct Trunk version. Then I did a "Show Labels" and the new label was listed at the top of the list of labels because it was the last label to be created.

Personally I'd prefer that the default sort order for labels be by version number, but it would be really nice to change, and view them sorted by name or creation date or folder version number.

I'm fairly certain this has been requested before (probably by me) but, I'd also like to filter the label names, both to include or to exclude some patterns, since I'm rarely interesting in our daily build labels and they are somewhat overwhelming. While regular expressions would be great, simple prefix matching would be perfectly fine. (All of our daily build labels have the simple pattern BUILD_*)

While I'm requesting features related to labels, it would be nice if the "Show History" by version had a column displaying the labels on a particular version, similar to how they're listed in the "Merge Branches" wizard.


To sum up the above the enhancments I'm requesting are:
  • Ability to sort labels by name, folder version number and creation date
  • Change default label sort order to be by version number
  • Ability to filter labels by name, either inclusive or exclusive
  • Add column containing labels to "Show History" by version

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Post by dan » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:41 pm

These are all good ideas, and most have been requested before. I'll add your vote for feature requests that exist, and add new ones for those that don't.

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