(Repost from the regular support group)
I tried to rebuilt the Vault Nant task to isolate a problem.
- VaultLib Version does not have a method DeleteDirectoryRecursivelyIncludingReadOnly
Can not compile. Temp resolution replaced with Directory.Delete....
- Main problem: my Vault folder is $\folder1\folder2\folder.name.bla
The method IsVaultFolder can not find this in the Root.FindFolderRecursive
string normalizedPath = RepositoryPath.NormalizeFolder( folderName );
vaultClientFolder = ClientInstance.TreeCache.Repository.Root.FindFolderRecursive( normalizedPath );
Question What does NormalizeFolder do, and what does FindFolderRecursice do exactly
The results of the normalizedPath seems ok. But I don't know what the implemetation is of FindFolderRecursive.
I thought this issue was only related to vaultgetbylabel, but it seems to occur also at the vaultgetfile task. That's a big issue for me.
I read the next release is comming out soon. Can we please add much more Verbose messages in the NAnt task if running with the verbose=true property.
Is it possible to get early access to the next release?
Vault Nant task, get folder ab.cd.ef
Moderator: SourceGear