I've decided to go through the pain of removing all linked files, and making them all shared - and there's a few feature requests I'd like to make.
1. Being able to share files by dragging from the right hand list to the folder list would be awesome - "Shift" to move, and "Ctrl" to share (bit like Explorer) would be just perfect.
2. A "New Folder" button in the share dialog would be great - I am creating new "Properties" folders and sharing a lot of the files into there - if I forget to create the folder in the target project, I have to cancel the share dialog, find the project, add the folder, go back to the files I wanted, select the ones I want, click share again etc... can be a bit painful.
3. An option to "Get Latest Version" when sharing files - is a bit tedious to have to share them, then go find the shared folder and get latest version etc. Chances are if you share the file, you want a local copy - but an option box to get latest on the Share dialog would be great.
A few requests
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