Restoring MSDE2000 database on new server running SQL Server

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Restoring MSDE2000 database on new server running SQL Server

Post by nickkovac » Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:53 pm


We have moved our 2.06 version of Sourcegear to a new server. The old server was running MSDE2000 and windows xp. The new server is running SQL Server 2000 and Win2K server edition. When we try to restore a database from the old server in the new server, we are asked to enter our "SA Password". We have not set a password and our server is in windows authentication mode.

Any suggestions?

Please see attached .ppt

Thanks, Nick
SourceGear v2.01.ppt
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Post by jclausius » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:06 pm

Vault Admin Tool's restoraration should only be done on the same SQL Server where the SQL Server engine has been configured with SQL authentication.

If you've moved to a new machine, you should review the KB article FAQ: Moving Vault (Server and Database) to a new machine
Jeff Clausius

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Post by spike1197 » Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:14 pm

But that doesn't address the situation of:

Machine A: Vault, MSDE 2000

wanting to move to

Machine B: Vault, SQL Server 2000

or am I missing a step?

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:58 pm

I'm not sure I understand. The KB article addresses moving the sgvault database and Vault server to a new machine. Is this what you've outlined? Perhaps you're worried about MSDE to SQL Server? If so, no worries. BACKUP DATABASE / RESTORE DATABASE will handle any conversion issues.

As I mentioned, you cannot use Vault's Admin Tool for restoration. Stated in the KB article, you'll need to use MSDE's BACKUP DATABASE, and SQL Server's RESTORE DATABASE to transfer the sgvault database onto the new machine.

Once you've restored the database, install the Vault server on the new machine - pointing the installation of the database to the new machine. Make sure to keep the database when prompted.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by spike1197 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:32 pm


I jumped into this conversation uninvited. My apologies...

I have vault (3.0) running on a server with MSDE. I am migrating it to a different server with Vault (3.1) and MS SQL 2000.

I looked into doing the MSDE backup but am having trouble accessing the database through gui or command line (google search provided tools for interfacing with MSDE and I found some command line stuff.) It gives me:

Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server

after some reading.. I think I might have to shutdown the database, edit the proper registry item to run in mixed mode, then i will be able to access it through these methods.

I am further along that I was before. thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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Post by jclausius » Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:17 pm

I didn't even notice the user switch...

It sounds like you were able to change MSDE's config to allow SQL Auth, and backed up the DB through the Admin Tool. If so, that is good news.

If you are still having problems, you can always take a look at the T-SQL BACKUP DATABASE command from within osql.exe (a command line client for MSDE).
Jeff Clausius

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