Command Line arguments for SOS

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Command Line arguments for SOS

Post by guruthilak » Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:54 am

Hello there.

I am using the latest version of the SOS Client. Can some body please let me know all the command line arguments so that i can access the SOS Progrmatically. The Documnetation that has been provided with the SOS client installation is not at all sufficient for performing the necessary operations/functions.

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Post by lbauer » Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:34 am

What version of SOS are you using?

If it's SOS 4.x, all the documentation for commands and parameters are in soscmd.txt in the SOS 4.x GUI client directory.

If you need help with some specific commands, post them here and we can help you get them written correctly. Be sure not to include actual passwords, user or server name, etc.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


SOS Command lines

Post by Guest » Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:58 am

Hi Linda,

For example if i want to check out a file i will be using the command as folllows

C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite\soscmd.exe soscmd -command CheckOutFile -server -name guruthilak_kamata -password xxxxxxx -database F:\XXX\srcsafe.ini -project $/SOS/XXX/FP-RT -file -log "Checked out by Guru" -soshome "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.xxxx\Application Data\SourceGear\SOS"

WHich will work fine. Now similarly i can add a label, commemt or label comment to a file. Now can you please tell me what commands are you using to get the following informatiions (like all the comments that are used for the file or labels or label comments?) Programatically???

Even i would like to know how to log on to the server using command lines??


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Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:39 am

The SOS Command Line Client does not support all the operations of the SOS GUI Client. The documentation in soscmd.txt shows all the commands and parameters that are available.

The CLC cannot get comment information or label information (it can get a labeled version). Also, CLC can't create an automatic login so that you can use a GUI Client.

The CLC is a very basic client to use for automated tasks, like get, checkin, label, share, etc.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by guruthilak » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:01 am

Hi Linda,

I am having one more question right now.
How can i find out whether a file or Folder/subfolder exists or not in the database through Command Line Client? (In VSS there is command called "Check if VSS path Exists" to check for the same)

Also i was looking at the ss.ini file for different user and it was seen to have difference among the ss.ini files eventhough they were all working on the same database??(same project)

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Post by guruthilak » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:03 am

Hi Linda,

I am expecting a answer from your side. Can you please let me know about it???


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Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:27 pm

There isn't a comparable "Check if VSS path Exists" command in the SOS CLC. There are the GetProjectTree and the GetFileList commands that show the project tree and the file list within a project.

Regarding the ss.ini files, I believe these can be different, depending on the options set for each user in VSS. Are users experiencing problems because their ss.ini files are different?
Linda Bauer
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Post by guruthilak » Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:21 am

Hello Linda,

I Am having one more question to you. How to get the Different versions of the file using SOS CLC. For example

"soscmd -command GetFile -server garcon:8080 -name joe -password camel-database c:\VSS\srcsafe.ini -project $/projects/apollo/src
-file source1.h -workdir c:\projects\apollo\

will get the "latest" version of the file "source1.h" from the data base. Now consider i would like to get the second version of the same file. How can i achieve it with SOS CLC???

Regarding my previous post, yes the SS.ini file did gave some problem if the users are not in the same domain. (only when the SOS CLC was run) There are some mismatches (like the databse paths were not Listed out in the SS.ini file and like so for different users)

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Post by guruthilak » Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:37 am

oK i GOT THE answer for this. Include the -revison filename to get the same

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Post by guruthilak » Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:32 am

Hello Linda,

Is there any command that can be run on SOS CLC to find out whether SOS is installed in the computer? Like wise is it possible to know whether the user has imported the *.iky (key file) through SOS CLC??

Thanks and regards

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Post by lbauer » Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:31 am

Is there any command that can be run on SOS CLC to find out whether SOS is installed in the computer?
Do you want to find out if the SOS GUI Client is installed? In SOS 4.x, the CLC is part of the GUI Client installation, so if the CLC is there, the GUI Client should be there as well. Or you can do a Windows search for "sos.exe."
Like wise is it possible to know whether the user has imported the *.iky (key file) through SOS CLC??
There's no specific command. If you try to connect via the secure port and you get an error, it means either that the .iky file was not imported, or that the user is connecting with a server name that's different from the servername used to create the .iky file.

When a .iky file is imported. SOS creates a <servername>.key file in the the user's %appdata%\SourceGear\SOS directory. If the server key file exists, that most likely indicates the .iky file was imported.

Does this help with your question?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by guruthilak » Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:36 am

Hi Linda,
That answerd my questions. Thank you.

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