Why it's so slowly?

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Why it's so slowly?

Post by karlwu » Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:06 am

When I use SOS(3.5.3) client connect to SOS Server, the status windows just disaplay 'Logging in...', after 3 or more minutes, everything is ok.

1.The computer installed SOS Server don't not install Real-time virus scanner OR any firewall software;

2. Run Analyze regularly on all databases that SOS connects to.

3.Download "http://download.sourcegear.com/files/vss_60c_hotfix.zip" to overwtite all of files in VSS\win32. The VSS version is 6.0c.

4.Access this computer by other way such as copy or paste files is normal.

what can I do for this?

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Post by Tonya » Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:14 pm

You could attempt to Telnet to the SOS Server and see if you experience the same delay time that you do when connecting using the SOS Client. If so,
there may be something on the network slowing things down. You could try running a traceroute to see how many hops it is taking to get to your server machine.

You could also send me your SOS Server log.txt file (e-mail it to Tonya@SourceGear.com). This may point out any delays or problems you are having.


Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Suppor

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:07 pm

Thank You!

Post by karlwu » Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:24 am

Yes. It does work. Thank you!

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