Slow connections to SOS

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Slow connections to SOS

Post by short1uk » Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:01 am

We have a group of guys from India connecting to us here in England. We use VSS and SOS so they can see the databases etc.

They are always report to us that it is running really slow. The server is a new Dell Power 1850. We have set processor affinity to 1 processor as it says in the help that SOS does not like multi processors.

We are running server 2003.

Any ideas why its so slow??


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SourceOffSite 4 Slow

Post by bspargo » Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:15 am

We also are experiencing this. We have developers in the US local on BroadBand or DSL and have developers in Australia on DSL. Their access speeds over the internet are excellent. Recently upgraded to V4 of SOS and immediately found the speed to be degraded significantly. File list refreshes now take 2-3 times longer than they used to! There must be a fix to this, right? It doesn't make sense that upgrading would be a step in the wrong direction, would it?

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Post by short1uk » Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:46 am

we are currently planning to upgrade SOS to the latest version and we are running VSS 6 already.

We hope the upgrade will sort the problems because we cant keep restarting the sos service every few hours to make it run faster. There has to be an issue in the software some where.

Has anyone found a fix yet?


VSS version 6.0d
SOS version 3.5.3

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Post by lbauer » Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:16 am

bspargo -- are you using SOS 4.1.2? We made some changes in the latest release so that file list retrieval should be as fast as in SOS 3.5.3.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by bspargo » Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:33 am

4.1.2 SourceOffSiteServer, 128bit encryption
4.1.2 Client
6.0d VSS with concurrency registry fix
Twice as slow as version 3.5.3 is what my developers are telling me.

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Post by short1uk » Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:38 am

if its twice as slow then it would be unusable for us!

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Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:17 am

There may be something else going on.

Has anything else changed on you network? Are you running anti-virus scanning?

Is the SOS Server machine a dual processor or using hyperthreading?

Do you run Analyze regularly on your databases? Minor database corruption is a problem for the VSS automation component, which SOS uses to communicate with the VSS database.

You might want to send me a copy of the SOS Server log so we can check if there are any other issues.

Email it to linda at and be sure to add the link to this post.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:41 am

Post by short1uk » Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:28 pm

Has anything else changed on you network? = No

Are you running anti-virus scanning? None installed on the servers

Is the SOS Server machine a dual processor or using hyperthreading?

yes it is a dual processor, and hyperthreaded so it appears as four, however we have set affinity to one processor after reading about this on your web site.

Do you run Analyze regularly on your databases? Am now sure will ask when i get in on Monday. I will also email you the files mentioned above too.

Thanks for your help

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