SosCmd CheckInFile And Umlauts in Log

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SosCmd CheckInFile And Umlauts in Log

Post by Martin » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:51 am

If I specify any umlauts in the log parameter the log is ignored completely. Example:

soscmd.exe -command CheckInFile -server -name mayer -password xyz -database C:\SourceSave\Test\srcsafe.ini -project "$/Eigene Dateien/M" -file Test.lmx -workdir C:\Temp -log "Änderungen nachgetragen."

I'm still using the 3.5.3 client and the server might be slightly older. Were there enhancements to either the command line client or the server regarding this issue?

Thanks! Martin

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Post by Tonya » Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:27 pm

I have tested the scenario below using the SOS 3.5.3 CLC and the SOS 4.1.2 CLC. Using the SOS 4.1.2 CLC, the comments are added appropriately.

My suggestion would be to upgrade, sorry for the inconvenience.

Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support

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