SOS 3.5. Change of Server

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Fasil AK

SOS 3.5. Change of Server

Post by Fasil AK » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:00 am

Client SOS 3.5.3

This is the senario
we connect to a SOS server
We had five projects[database in it]. Which we update on daily basis. They are very huge.

Now we have a critical issue
the SOS server address changed to
It has the same 5 old databases. We had set the working directory to the same old locations.
But all the files status changed to UNKNOWN.

Is there a way we can over come this issue rather that taking the latest again from the server.

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:21 am

There are a couple of options.

In the SOS GUI Client under Tools->Options->Files,", check the box "Use Checksums to determine unknown file status." Then refresh your file lists. Turn this off when you're done, as it can slow SOS performance.

If that doesn't work:

The SOS client keeps a cache of the project tree and tracks the dates files were fetched so SOS can determine file status. For instance, if the date the file was fetched doesn't match the current timestamp on the file, SOS assumes the file has been modified and gives it an Edited (checked out) or Renegade (not checked out) status.

The cache is created for each server users connect to.

When your users connected to a new servername, a new cache was created, but there was no information about the dates files were fetched , since the files were already in the working directory. Thus the Unknown status.

Cache files are kept in the SOS Client directory in a folder with the same name as the SOS Server machine. You might be able to fix the unknown status by renaming the directory where the cache files reside from Newservername to Oldservername.

C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite_3.5.3\servers\<servername>
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Fasil AK

The second option worked out well

Post by Fasil AK » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:02 pm

Thanks for reply the second option worked out well.

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