Vault Deploy Lists and Release Notes

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Vault Deploy Lists and Release Notes

Post by stevestchur » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:26 pm


My Development Team has been using Vault for some time now, but our approach to builds and releases has been somewhat ad-hoc.

I'm trying to streamline the process, and I'd really like to take advantage of everything Vault has to offer.

Currently, I have a repository for an ASP.NET Web Application setup in the Vault as follows:

Repository: OurWebProject
|----|--- webapp (pinned)
|----|--- webapp_dev

|----|--- someWebClassLibrary1
|----|--- someWebClassLibrary2

What I'm looking for is both some guidance and some help using Vault.

My idea with the setup I have above, is to have a dev version of our app that the developers get form Vault and work on. When they check in code, they will comment their checkins with a Ticket ID identifying what they have changed.

At the end of the week (when we do our releases to Prod) I will take what has changed from the _dev version, and create a new copy that is a merge of the pinned version + the dev version.

Problem, I don't know of any way I can EASILY get a deploy list from the Vault (i.e. the files that have been changed since the pinned version, and what tickets are associated with them).

Is there any easy way I can do this? Or perhaps the better question is: Am I using Vault all wrong? Is there a more appropriate way I should have things setup that will help me advance towards my goal of automated deploy lists and release notes?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:03 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:44 am

Just to make sure I understand, once a week you want to update a more stable version of the code with the latest stuff created by developers.

Is it the case that the very latest version of _dev always goes into the pinned version, or do you pick and choose?

If it is always the whole thing, you might want to use Branch and MergeBranches instead of pinning, since Merge Branches is set up to move a mass of changes from one tree to another.

For generating deploy lists/release notes, you can always just do a history on _dev from the previous week, which can be saved as a file. Also, you could trying labelling _dev at each deploy point, which would make it easier to see where changes were made. The history dialog does not yet allow you to do a history between two labels (something we want to put in for the next major version), but the command line client does, using the GETLABELDIFFS command.

Hope this helps

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