Visual Codes to do "Get" at Vault

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Visual Codes to do "Get" at Vault

Post by skavkani » Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:42 pm

I'm working on a project in Visual and I need to do "Get" at vault on specific dll or lib. I shouldn't use the batch file or any command. Any idea how I can do that. Does anybody have any example for the code?

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Post by lbauer » Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:01 pm

Are you trying to create an application that will use the Vault Client API?

Can you give us more information about your project and what you'd like to do?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


Post by skavkani » Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:38 am

First of all, thanx for replying quickly!
We have a batch file that starts the vault and does "Get" on the folders.
The command that I'm using is:
"vault" -merge Overwrite -host server: -username user -password password -makewritable -repository "my code" GET " and then folder name.
In my project, which is with MS Visual Studio.Net, I need to code the same concept, but I don't know how. As i Know this command doesn't work in C++. So I'm looking for some examples or samples that show me the way to code with C++ to use Vault.
I hope I'm clear now.
Let me know if you need to have more info.

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:26 am

Here are a couple of resources:

Vault has a Client API that you can download. It includes the source to our Vault Command Line Client. You can examine the code to see how the CLC does a Get.

Also, here's a link to info on how to use the Client API by one of our developers: ... 75860.aspx
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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