Bug fixes in SOS 4.1.2

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Bug fixes in SOS 4.1.2

Post by corey » Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:17 am

The following bugs were fixed in SOS 4.1.2. This is not a complete list, but those considered to be of greatest interest to the majority of our customers.

1. Files residing in local working folders, but not added to source control, now show up correctly when performing a Project Diff.

2. Setting the time stamp of files to be "modification" time now works when performing a Get By Label on a project.

3. When you Undo Checkout on an unmodified file, it is now set back to be read-only.

4. Only users with VSS Destroy rights can now Deploy web projects.

5. The performance of Get Latest on an individual folder with lots of files will no longer decrease during the length of the operation.
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC

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