After changing ports get latest misses some files

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After changing ports get latest misses some files

Post by klynch » Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:09 pm

A number of users were connecting to SOS 4.1 using port 5030. It was decided that the team should switch back to the default 8080 port. After switching to 8080, some users reported get latest was either putting files outside the working directory or skipping some directories all together. Changing back to 5030 seems to resolve this issue. Is there anything that needs to be cleaned up when switching ports that would cause this issue?


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Post by lbauer » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:05 pm

After switching to 8080, some users reported get latest was either putting files outside the working directory or skipping some directories all together.
That's strange. Are users connecting with a different servername or IP? The client-side cache files are based on the server connection string.

You could have your users delete their cache files, located in C:\Documents and Settings\linda.SOURCEGEAR\Application Data\SourceGear\SOS\servers\<servername>.

They will need to reset their working directories after this and possibly do a "get latest" or use Checksums (Tools->Options->Files) to determine the status of Unknown files.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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