unmodified files status set to Unknown/Need Merge

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unmodified files status set to Unknown/Need Merge

Post by Xavier » Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:34 am


I'm having the following problem very frequently:
SOS client 4.1 (after a fresh uninstall/reinstall)
VisualStudio 6.0sp6
Visual.Net2003 french

I, most of the time, have Visual and SOS open; sometimes the three applications are open. I always have the same project open under Visual and SOS.

When I go from Visual to SOS, many files switch their status from none (up to date) to Unknown/Need Merge/Renegade.
This issue seems to be tied with the crash I noticed lately (in another post).

I tried a recursive GLV with Visual closed and checked "use checksums to determine unknown file status". It seems better, but some file I recently got(GLV) still have the problem. Any idea ?

Another quesion regarding the 'refresh file list' from SOS, even when unchecked, SOS automatically reloads the project files status. Why ? (the wait cursor appears for some times, and the file list is refreshed).

Xavier PICAT

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Post by lbauer » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:20 am

SOS gets file status information from the client side cache file. Are you using the standalone SOS Client, or the SOS Client integrated with Visual Studio (IDE client)?

If you're using the IDE, there may be a problem writing to the cache file, so that the SOS GUI client is losing track of the files that have been edited in the IDE.

If you can send us steps to reproduce the problem, we'll look into it further.

Regarding the refresh, if you have both SOS GUI Client and VS.NET open, checkins from VS.NET could cause a refresh in the SOS Client, as a change in the cache file triggers a client refresh.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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