Problem setting connections

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Problem setting connections

Post by Score » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:40 am

Hi all;
I've just downloaded SOS to see how it would be fit with my needs. here is the scenario:
we have 2 development sited in 2 different locations in the city, both locations are connected to interner permanently. there are 2 ISA server each at one point of the locations, and clients in Private networks are assigned private IPs. each ISA server has one Static IP.
I want to install the SOS on my VSS server which is behind the ISA and connect to it from clients that are located in another building behind the second ISA, how should I define the server name (which is in a LAN with private IP) in SOS client and how should I browse to the shared VSS directory?
please help.
thanks in advance

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Post by lbauer » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:36 am

Here's some information about configuring ISA server to work with SOS.

To connect to the SOS Server with the SOS Client, you would use the server name or IP address that's exposed to the Internet.

You asked about browsing to the VSS directory. The only time you browse to the directory is when you configure the VSS database in the SOS Server Manager. The database must be on the same LAN as the SOS Server. In the Databases tab, use the browse button to browse to the location of the srcsafe.ini file for the database you want to access via SourceOffSite.

The SOS Client does not access the VSS database via file sharing. The client connects to the SOS Server via TCP/IP and the SOS Server communicates with the VSS database through the SourceSafe API.

The account used by the SOS Server service must have access to the drive and directory where the VSS database resides.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


Problem- projects are disconnected

Post by Score » Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:08 am

thanks for your reply. I could connect to SOS on my remote server without any setting needed for ISA. but now the problem is that when I open the interface and set the working folder for my projects then download the codes, when I open the projects from my working folder VB asks me if I want to add this project to Source Safe or not! it means that from the VB environment point of view this project is not under source control! so the check-out check-in items are not available.
what can I do? please help me ASAP because I should manage it for users to work remotely until next Saturday.
thank you so much


no vssver file in the project directory when getting it from

Post by Score » Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:25 am

I should add that there is no no vssver file in the project directory when getting it from SOS IDE, is that normal? I think thats why the projects are not binded to my VSS when get them throught SOS.
I didn't do anything to add projects to SOS or something else, I only set the server settings in servermgr.exe and give the vss database path with an Alias. did I miss anything?
another question:
is that possible for the developers to work directly with VSS in the LAN where both VSS server and SOS server reside and developers in remote location only work with SOS client? if yes the files status are the same in both IDEs or not?

thank you sooo much for your help.

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Post by corey » Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:50 pm

So currently, SOS is working correctly using the GUI Client, correct? You can connect to the server and retrieve file lists and files, etc?

The only problem now is getting it to work within VB? Which version of VB are you using? VB 6.0 or VB.NET?

During the install of the client, did you choose to make SOS your default source code control provider?

Were the projects you are working with previously integrated with SourceSafe within VB?
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC


Post by score » Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:17 am

I had to create a blank databse and this time manually add projects to SOS within VB, then also I have to get the project from Tools menu/Create Projects from SourceOffSite to have source control enabled for the project. previously I only get the project in VSS explorer then open it by double clicking on project file but this doesn't work with SOS at least for the first time.
now I have this question: how about the admin operations? like backup and restore? is there any special work to do when using SOS?

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Post by corey » Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:09 am

No, admin operations like backup and restore are not implemented in SOS.
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC

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SOS behind ISA Server 2000

Post by vrrinon » Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:48 pm


I read your posts regarding the SOS behind ISA and is perfectly in good timing because I just recently installed Sourceoffsite behind ISA server.

Actually we have done already the settings you have mentioned. Creating the setting from the Protocol Definitions and rules.

But I found this error coming out from the Client Side where the SOS client is installed.

The HTTP Proxy returned:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/EN">
<HTML dir=ltr><HEAD><TITLE>The page cannot be displayed</TITLE>
<META content=NOINDEX name=ROBOTS>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text-html; charset=Windows-1252>
function HomePage()

Pls. help me out.
Any help you can extend will be much appreciated.
SOS behind ISA error.doc
(49.5 KiB) Downloaded 1070 times


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:27 pm

Where did that error appear? Within the SourceOffSite GUI Client?

What operation were you performing at the time?

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Post by vrrinon » Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:07 pm

Thanks for the reply.

The error occured at the client side where the SourceOffsite GUI is installed.

Previously when I connect outside, not passing thru the ISA firewall, the client connects succesfully. But when we put the client within to pass thru the ISA firewall that error occurs within the client side.

We already put the settings as described in

But then that error occurs on the client side where the SOS GUI is installed.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:17 am

Did the user configure the proxy machine and port in the SOS GUI Client under Tools->Options->HTTP Proxy?

Does your proxy require authentication?

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Post by vrrinon » Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:42 pm

Yes we did configure. In fact that was the first thing we made sure. The port setting that appears under the Tools->options->Http proxy of SOS mus be the same port that was used in the ISA server that was defined on the Protocol Definitions and allowed at the protocol rules.

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Post by vrrinon » Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:50 pm

The proxy does not require authentication.


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:21 pm

Does ISA have a log file which describes what is happening when you attempt to connect with the SOS client?

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Post by vrrinon » Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:33 am

I found this entry when I ran the SOS client in the ISA log file with format Webextdyyyymmdd.

192.168.X.XXX anonymous - 2005-07-07 00:40:27 localcomputername - - 8880 - - - SSL-tunnel - Inet 12204


localcomputername is the client host name is the server where the SOS server sits.
8880 - is the port no. used by SOS server.

I'm not sure if i'm right but I'm trying to figure out the SSL tunnel as a hint for the problem.

Hope you could help me figure out.

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