Issues running multiple projects in VB6 / SOS V4.1

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Issues running multiple projects in VB6 / SOS V4.1

Post by Simpo » Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:21 pm

When developing in VB6 we often have cause to run multiple projects at the same time but hit a couple of nuisance issues.
When adding a new project to the group (apart from the first project) we get a message 'Failed to reload the project. Please close this project from the file menu and re-open it to get the correct version of all files loaded into memory'. Press OK and everything seems to run OK - any ideas why we get this?
The other issue may be related but if a form is checked in any but the first project it's status does not change from read only. The project checks out in SourceSafe but you can't update it until you remove the project and add it back.

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Post by bfinney » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:37 am

I'm afraid I haven't been able to reprouce the first problem. Are the added projects new or do they pre-exist? Could you provide a step-by-step exaple of the process you use to manifest this problem?

Also, could you clarify the second issue? On the checkin, the files should be set to read-only... or do you mean on a checkout?
Brody Finney
SourceGear QA Thug
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Post by Simpo » Sun Feb 20, 2005 2:06 pm

The first issue.
If I load my main application (SOS controlled) - no problem. Project loads and syncs just fine. If I add a project (say for an OCX or DLL called by the main app) again SOS controlled I get the error message. Everything loads, syncs, runs and behaves OK (excepting the second issue) so it's just a nuisance.
The second issue.
Sorry you're right. In the scenario for the first issue. If I check OUT a form or module in the second or subsequent projects (supporting DLL or OCX) it checks OUT correctly, sets the file to read write however VB thinks the file is still read only and will not allow updates. You can remove the project and add it back and all is good so again it's just a nuisance.

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Post by Simpo » Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:18 pm

Checked the group issue as reported and this is NOT our problem. Thanks


Post by f00 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:48 pm

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