Operation failed getting file from history.

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Michael Hviid

Operation failed getting file from history.

Post by Michael Hviid » Mon Mar 15, 2004 4:10 am

When we try to get a file from the history list, we get operation failed. File is not read only. We also tried to removed from the directory etc. But nothing helped ?
This is a consequent error for us.

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:24 am

What version of SOS are you using?

Does this happen with every file or just certain files?

Can you get the file using VSS?

It would be helpful to see a copy of the SOS Server log file.

If you are using SOS 3.x, please enable verbose logging in the Debug tab of the SOS Server Manager and in General Settings ->Logging, set the logging to overwrite at startup. Restart the SOS Sever. Then perform the operations which are failing. Send me a copy of the log.txt file located in the SOS directory on the SOS Server machine. Let me know what username you were logged in under and the approximate time in the log that corresponds with the failed operation.

To enable debug logging in 4.0, you need to edit the
SosService.exe.config file in your server's installation folder
and change the General setting in <system.diagnostics><switches>
to be 4 instead of 1.

My email address is linda@sourcegear.com.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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