For auditing purposes, I log in into Vault Server using various names. For now I see a new folder created in:
C:\Documents and Settings\(MyWindowsLogin)\Application Data\SourceGear\Vault_1\Client\(Repository GUID)\VaultUserNameFolder
Is there any impact when I switch back to my normal login? Any other impact? (Visual Studio 2003 integration, local cache, etc.)
Login using different user names
Moderator: SourceGear
You should be able to use two different Vault logins on the same machine with the caveat that you can't share working folders between the users or the state of the files that gets reported will be messed up when you switch back and forth.
So, this should be fine, provided you have completely different working folders for each user.
So, this should be fine, provided you have completely different working folders for each user.