Cannot run Vault with custom service account.

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Cannot run Vault with custom service account.

Post by ssantiago » Sun May 08, 2005 9:26 pm

I am trying to configure Shadow Folders. These folders will reside on a SAN on the network. I cannot configure Vault to run with a custom service account succesfully. I have followed the instructions provided in this article linked in the help file:

I have configured a Vault application pool on Windows 2003 and IIS 6 and have configured the Vault related sites to use it. Whenever I change this app pool to run under a custom account I get errors when trying to login. If I change back to network service account no troubles. I have attached an image of the dialog. The error is:

"File or assembly name bv1oazm_.dll, or one of it dependencies, was not found."

The DLL name changes each time the error is produced. I have search the server for the DLL name specified and can never find it. Other names that have popped up are: fbgx6hdp.dll, c7xwhtwh.dll, nafafbkl.dll, d7njwvme.dll, and hipjneri.dll. I guessing these DLLs are generating each time such as in the temporary ASP.NET folder beneath the .NET framework root directory.

Any tips appreciated.


Error that pops up whenever I try logging in with the Vault client and the Vault service is using a custom service account.
VaultError.JPG (20.47 KiB) Viewed 7627 times
Sam Santiago

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Post by jeremy_sg » Mon May 09, 2005 7:09 am

The article that you're referencing doesn't mention it, but Sourcegear has provided a tool to set the impersonation called IdentitySwitcher to help with setting up a custom account. It is recommended that you use that to set impersonation. I'll update the article to make sure that it references the tool.

Recent server installers (past 3.0.4, I think) create all of the application pools for you.

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IndentitySwitcher didn't work.

Post by ssantiago » Mon May 09, 2005 4:22 pm

I downloaded and ran the IdentitySwitcher utility. I did get an Exception running it stating that the user was already in the local group, so I figured that was fine.

No change in behavior. As soon as I change the identity of the App Pool to VaultService, the name I used with the IdentitySwitcher, I receive the cannot find DLL error again.

Any other suggestions?


Sam Santiago

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Post by jeremy_sg » Mon May 09, 2005 6:18 pm


Check out this post for a couple more hints. ... 3511#13511

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Permission on C:\windows\temp worked.

Post by ssantiago » Mon May 09, 2005 10:12 pm

I tried both suggestions mentioned in the link 1) reregistering with aspnet_regiis.exe and 2) installing the Vault server again, but neither did the trick. I was able to resolve the problem by using the FileMon utility ( to monitor which directory was being accessed. It turned out that the C:\Windows\Temp directory was the culprit. I granted rights to the Vault service account - I copied the rights granted to the Network Service account and all is well.


Sam Santiago

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Post by jeremy_sg » Wed May 11, 2005 12:50 pm


I've added windows\temp to the list of directories that IdentitySwitcher sets rights on. I've also updated the FAQ article with more information on IdentitySwitcher and what is necessary and what isn't.

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It's the working directory that needs rights.

Post by ssantiago » Wed May 11, 2005 1:12 pm

I don't think it's the C:\windows\temp directory in all cases, but it's the Working Directory configured in the Admin tool. In my case, I accepted the default setting which was %SYSTEMROOT%\Temp. So it might be the Working Directory that needs to have rights set.


Sam Santiago
