I'm having problems with Vault gui and some other apps that connect to vault to get the apps to remember to automatically use profile.
It looks as though I can reproduce the problem and it seems likely that another app is to blame but I cannot be 100% sure. Here's what's happening:
1) I fire up the vault gui and check "Automatically connect using this profile"
2) I confirm that the vault gui has remembered my preferences by restarting the gui - I connect to vault without being prompted with a connection dialog. I then close the vault gui
3) I open this other app (ApexSQLEdit) and it prompts with a Connect To Server dialog that appears to be identical to the dialog that Vault gui displays. This time the dialog "Automatically connect using this profile" is greyed out. I hit ok to this dialog and a connection is successfully made to Vault using the same user credentials as step 1
4) I fire up the vault gui again but this time I get prompted with the Connect To Server dialog with the "Automatically connect using this profile" unchecked
Any ideas what the problem is?
Not remembering to automatically use profile
Moderator: SourceGear
No - I really don't know what is going on, as Apex isn't an officially supported IDE.christian wrote:Are you confident that Apex software is in error when trying to make a connection?
Our IDE code is designed to automatically login if a profile is used as the connection info, so it is possible they are sending username/pw/server instead, or it is possible that Vault acts differently outside of Visual Studio.