Operation Failed while trying to Get an older Version

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Operation Failed while trying to Get an older Version

Post by gvdkamp » Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:41 am

We had disk problems on our VSS Server and it was quite an effort to Restore our VSS files and get the VSS-Analyse happy. But now our VSS-Database is ok and our VSS-User can access all files with their history. A few files were so broken that I had to destroy them in VSS and add the current version.

But now our SourceOffSite users (3.5.3) are experiencing problems. They can't do a Get on a previous version of a file, and therefore no diff between the current version and a previous version. They can do a get/check-in/check-out on the current version of the files.

when they create a new file, add this file, check-out the file and make changes to the file, check the file in and do a diff on the history of the file between the two versions, everything is ok. But not on the existing files.

I enabled the debugging feature on the server and the log shows that the server is able to get the history (which is shown in the SourceOffSite client)

Code: Select all

Begin File Histroy Operation: filename
Getting file versinos
File versions obtained
End File History Operation: filename
But when I try a compare:

Code: Select all

Begin Get File Operation: filename
Version not found
Begin Get File Operation: filename
Version not found
Could there be a problem because I archived parts of the old VSS-DB and restored them in the new VSS-DB? How can it be that VSS clients can perform these operations and SOS clients can't do this on existing files but can do it on new files...


Ger van der Kamp

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Post by lbauer » Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:47 am

When you "Show History" on a file and get a historical version, is that version actually retrieved to your working directory?

There may still be some issues with the VSS database and SOS. The SOS Server communicates with the VSS database via the SourceSafe Automation Component. The Automation Component is not very tolerant of inconsistencies in the database. So a VSS client, with a direct connection might work fine, but the Automation Component might throw errors, like you are seeing.

The new files work because they don't have the inconsistencies that may be present in the older portion of the database.

Usually an archive and restore clear up a lot. Since you've already run Analzye and have archived and restored your database, I don't know what other maintenance you could try. We recommend running Analyze with the -f and then the -c parameters, so you could try that, if you haven't already.

You might also try installing a demo of SOS 4.1 server and client. SOS 4.1 deals with gets from history a little differently than SOS 3.5.3.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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