But now our SourceOffSite users (3.5.3) are experiencing problems. They can't do a Get on a previous version of a file, and therefore no diff between the current version and a previous version. They can do a get/check-in/check-out on the current version of the files.
when they create a new file, add this file, check-out the file and make changes to the file, check the file in and do a diff on the history of the file between the two versions, everything is ok. But not on the existing files.
I enabled the debugging feature on the server and the log shows that the server is able to get the history (which is shown in the SourceOffSite client)
Code: Select all
Begin File Histroy Operation: filename
Getting file versinos
File versions obtained
End File History Operation: filename
Code: Select all
Begin Get File Operation: filename
Version not found
Begin Get File Operation: filename
Version not found
Ger van der Kamp