Strange path problems

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Location: Los Alamos, NM

Strange path problems

Post by awdavis » Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:40 pm

I don't know if these are related... In version 3.0.1, we had a directory named with a trailing space "Models ". Windows doesn't allow that, so strange things started happening (we'd check in edited files and they would undo checkout. It couldn't edit a file. etc.) We renamed the directory in Vault so there is no trailing space. Now it seems ok, but when our user checks in a file, we get the error in the Vault client:

[4/15/2005 4:25:11 PM] Server unavailable for transaction begin

[4/15/2005 4:25:11 PM] Transaction failed

[4/15/2005 4:25:11 PM] An exception was encountered during the transaction. Exception: Server was unable to process request. --> Error in the application. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

at VaultClientNetLib.ClientService.VaultService.BeginTx(Int32 nRepID, String strComment, VaultRequestItem[]& requests, String& strTxID)

at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.BeginTx(Int32 nRepID, VaultRequestItem[]& requests, String& strTxID, String comment)

at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Commit(ChangeSetItemColl givenItems, Boolean keepCheckedOut, Boolean removeLocalCopy, Boolean bIsImport, DateTime dateImport, Int32 nUserIDImport, Int64& nRevID)

-----------And in the server log:

alan--hytec-dell8000.hytecinc.local( Disabled Critical Error! Error in the application.
at VaultServiceBase.VaultRepository.GetReferenceCopiesByPath(HybridDictionary hdNewRefParents, String strAbsolutePath, Boolean bRefCopyLastObjectWithAllFolders, VaultFSObjects& fsoList, Int32& nPinCount)
at VaultServiceAPILib.VaultTransactionContainer.GetReferenceCopiesByPath(String strAbsolutePath, VaultFSObjects& fsoList, Int32& nPinCount)
at VaultServiceAPILib.VaultTransaction.PreCheckCheckIn(Int32 nCurrStatCode, VaultRequestCheckIn vrci, String strFileToken, VaultResponseCheckIn vRespCheckIn, VaultTransactionContainer txContainer)
at VaultServiceAPILib.VaultServiceAPI.BeginTx(HttpApplicationState theApp, VaultLoginInfo vliLoggedInUser, Int32 nTxUserID, Int32 nRepID, DateTime dtBeginTx, String strComment, VaultRequestItem[]& requests, String& strTxID, VaultIntTx& vit)
at VaultService.VaultService.DoBeginTx(HttpApplicationState has, HttpSessionState hss, VaultLoginInfo vli, String strCallerLogEvt, Int32 nTxUserID, Int32 nRepID, DateTime dtBeginTx, String strComment, VaultRequestItem[]& requests, String& strTxID)

I'm going to upgrade to version 3.0.6 tonight, but I wanted to get these bugs logged before I do. Do you think the upgrade will fix these? Sorry to put two together in one post, but I wonder if/suspect that they're related.


Posts: 38
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:27 am
Location: Los Alamos, NM

Post by awdavis » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:02 pm

I did an iisreset on the server and the exception doesn't happen anymore. So that seems to have fixed it. The "space at the end of a folder name causing only undo checkouts to happen to edited files when checking in in the folder" issue is reproducable, however.

Posts: 38
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:27 am
Location: Los Alamos, NM

Post by awdavis » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:53 pm

Ok, I upgraded to 3.0.6, and the files in folders with a trailing space now correctly check in (they have other problems, for instance can't find the folder to add files, so takes the next one up, and can't "edit" because the called program cannot find the file) but they no longer undo checkout; they check in correctly.

I don't see any other problems. I think it could be considered a bug that folders in Vault are permitted with trailing spaces, but perhaps that's just extra flexible and it does the best it can given the OS limitations... Anyway, it's good to know.

Haven't seen the other problem.
