New to sourcesOffsite

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Pawan Kalyan

New to sourcesOffsite

Post by Pawan Kalyan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:50 am

Iam new to source offsite.
i am using Visual source safe .The problem we are facing now is we have another development center in another country.

Part of the UI work will be done there. and the remaining will be done here.

Iam sure that using VSS we will not be able to connect to the VSS server in the other development location.

I have the IP of that computer along with username and password.

In VSS we have set up the user access for the users here.

I need to connect to the source safe database there.

I have downloaded the sourceoffsite client here.
Through that iam trying to point the VSS in that other computer.
Will i be abl to checkout and check in using the client alone.
Or do i need to install the server also.
If i need to install server where do i need to do that.

Does it need to be installed in the Machine in the offshore site or It can be installed in my site here???

Any ideas?

If i can work with the client that will be ideal for me...

Any good info ho to connect using a Client Along with the Username and password and the IP what else needed to be supplied?

Thanks a lot in advance

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:18 am

SourceOffSite would be a good solution for you.

You need both the SOS Server and the SOS Client, as the SOS Client does not connect directly to the VSS database. The SOS Client connects to the SOS Server which connects to the VSS database through the SourceSafe automation component. The VSS database thinks the SOS Server is a VSS Client.

Here are the system requirements for SOS:

The SOS Server should be installed on the same machine or at least on the same LAN as the VSS database.

For installation information see our online help: ... efault.htm

To connect, the user first connects with the domain name or IP address and port of the SOS Server machine. After a successful connection the user then gets a login prompt. This is a login to the VSS database, so they would use their VSS username and password.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


Thanks a lot

Post by Pawankalyan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:33 pm

Thanks a lot Linda..

That was a big help.

Any thing else needed i will post in this discussion.

Thanks and Regards
Pawan :)

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