folder synchronization with vault using CLI?

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folder synchronization with vault using CLI?

Post by matzen » Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:11 am


I'm setting up a synchronisation of a folder (home directory of an ftp server user) with VAULT. I have set a working directory for my vault folder "$/myfolder" to my harddisk folder "F:\ftp\LocalUser\user1", because the ftp user "user1" should upload his files to his ftp home directory (there are several users who login using the same ftp account).

I want to run the synchronization automatically at night. The users uploading to this directory should NOT know anything about vault running in the background.

I can check in completely "$/myfolder" using -keepcheckedout to allow the ftp users to change the files just after the checkin.

My problem #1: how can I add all new files and folders recursive to vault?
My problem #2: how can I delete all deleted files and folders recursive from vault?

Is there already something like "synchronize" in the command line client?


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Re: folder synchronization with vault using CLI?

Post by jclausius » Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:11 am

There is nothing built into the Command Line Client (CLC) which would do this, you would have to use some scripting or a custom app to prepare results for use within the CLC.
matzen wrote:My problem #1: how can I add all new files and folders recursive to vault?
If you could get a copy of the directory listing at point A, and then a directory listing at point B, you could compare the two. Any files in the listing at point B not found in point A, you would use the ADD command to create change set items within the CLC.
matzen wrote:My problem #2: how can I delete all deleted files and folders recursive from vault?
Same steps as above, but you would have to compare the listing at point B against point A. For the files/folders found in A which are not in B's listing, you would need to create DELETE change set items within the CLC.
Jeff Clausius
