Long list of linked files not working?

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Long list of linked files not working?

Post by kmenningen » Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:33 am

My database has a file that is linked in 38 projects, 5 of which are deleted links. In the VSS client, I can view the list by selecting "Properties" of the file and clicking on the Links tab. In SOS Client 3.5.3, an error is shown in the status window (something to the effect of "No such file or project exists") when I right click on this file and select "Properties". After this error is show, the entire file window of the current project is blank, and I have to navigate or refresh to get the list back.

My hypothesis is that the SOS Client is not expecting a large linked files list. Since you use the VSS Automation, it's possible that the SAFEARRAY sent is not big enough, and VSS is replying that more data is available which is misinterpreted as an error. Could be something else wrong with the properties dialog too, but this is my guess.

Kevin Menningen
Lead Software Engineer
VIASYS Healthcare - Nicolet Biomedical

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:17 am

Interesting theory, but actually this is a known bug. Just to make sure, I shared a file in 45 directories and deleted 5. I could still see the properties.

However, when I deleted (but didn't destroy) a project holding one of the shared files, I got the same error you saw.

This is the bug:

In project A you have shared files TEST1, TEST2 and TEST3. If you delete project A (don't destory) and then select a another project that contains any of these shared files and try to view their properties an error message appears in the status window "No such file or project: $/PROJECTNAME" and the file list becomes blank. If you refresh the file list, the files appear again.

It's been fixed for SOS 4.0, due out soon.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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