Invalid object name 'fulltxfolders' after upgrade to 3.0.4

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Invalid object name 'fulltxfolders' after upgrade to 3.0.4

Post by elias » Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:36 am

Over the weekend, I upgraded our Vault server from 2.0.6 to 3.0.4. The installation appeared to complete without errors and everything seemed ok. However, none of my users can log in - they get some version of an access denied message. While investigating, I found that the Vault Admin tool crashes with a FailDBReader message when trying to view the properties of a repository. The Vault log file is full of these messages:

Invalid object name 'fulltxfolders'.

Any ideas what I should do?



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Post by jclausius » Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:41 am

It appears as if the View, fulltxfolders, was not created during the upgrade process. This can happen if the logged in user running the upgrade script does not have administrative permissions to SQL Server.

If you can find vault_install.log file, it may have logged any problems during the upgrade process. Posting the file for review may give an indication of any problem.

If you cannot find that file, I would recommend uninstalling the Vault server, making sure to KEEP THE DATABASE, and then re-installing and using the option to KEEP THE DATABASE.

In essence, this is running the upgrade script one more time. If you notice any errors within the dialog (or in the vault_install.log file), please report back any errors.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by elias » Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:45 pm

Well, its working now. I did the uninstall, but during the reinstall, the installer died because the sgvault database user existed. I deleted the user from the database and ran the install again and everything seems fine now.

Thanks for the quick response!


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Post by jclausius » Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:16 pm

It shouldn't matter if the sgvaultuser exists or not.

In any case, I'm glad you're up and running.
Jeff Clausius
