Merge Branches and Add Directory

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Merge Branches and Add Directory

Post by GregM » Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:47 pm

I added a directory and several indivdual files in another directory as part of a commit. When I do a Merge Branches with that commit, the individual files are copied to the the target directory, but the new directory is not. Instead, a new directory is created in the temp directory, and the files are placed there. That means that in order to build the target to make sure everything merged correctly, I have to manually copy the directory to the proper location.

Why is this directory not placed in the proper location by the merge wizard?

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Location: SourceGear

Post by ericsink » Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:58 pm

Merge Branches adds individual files from the working folder, but when it adds a whole folder, it performs the add from a temp area.

Basically, there is no good reason for this behavior. :-(

I've logged a bug for this.
Eric Sink
Software Craftsman
