How to Share set of files in a sub-folder?

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How to Share set of files in a sub-folder?

Post by Kalyan » Mon Oct 04, 2004 3:18 am

I am getting an error while trying to Share set of files residing in a sub-folder of a VSS project using recursive option?

The error reported is "An Unknown error occurred while accessing c:\win32app\ingr\DCS\Cartographer\EDITshared\Editshared\build.bat".

My VSS Project DB Structure is as follows:
Under the Main Root of the project, I have sub-folder in the name DCS.
This folder in turn has further sub-folders. The folder to be shared is $\DCS\Cartographer\Edit . This "Edit" folder has sub-folders and files in them. I want to share this folder completely.

Is this command similar in functionality to what VSS does? I am able to share this folder in VSS.

Can you suggest me the workflow folllowed in SOS to Share a set of files in a sub-folder of a project (this whole folder needs to be shared)?

We are using SourceOffSite (SOS) Client Standard Version 4.0.2 to access the projects in Visual SourceSafe (VSS) 6.0 c .



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Post by lbauer » Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:18 pm

Let's say you want to share Edit recusively into a folder named Foo.

Select Foo in the SOS project tree. Right click and select Share. In the Share with Foo dialog, click on the folder named Edit in the Projects view. Click the Recursive checkbox on the right, then OK. Your subproject Edit will be shared recursively into project Foo.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by Kalyan » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:50 pm


I am getting a warning message with the suggested work flow
"You may not recursively share a project into a child project"

Am I doing any mistake while creating the shared folder?
I have attached a snapshot of SOS GUI for your reference.

Thanks for your quick response

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Post by lbauer » Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:14 pm

You're doing the right thing, but you're encountering a bug. I wasn't able to replicate it at first. But then I noted your projects are Edit and Edit_Test_Share. In SOS, you can't have two children with the same name under a parent project.

But when you share recursively, it appears that SOS is just reading the first few letters of the name and thinks these are subprojects with the same name. This works if you don't share recursively.

I tried this with subprojects named "Project" and "Project_test" and got the same error you did. When I renamed one of them -- "Prjct_test," the operation worked.

I'll log this to our bug database and perhaps we can get it fixed in the next release.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by Kalyan » Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:42 am


Thanks for the update. The renaming of folder names prevents the name collisions, but still this does not solve the share problem. The process of recursively sharing all sub-folders from EDIT to the new shared folder (say FooEdit ) does not get completed successfully. Only the first sub-folder is being shared. After that the process gives the error message that an unknown error has occurred. Please see attached BMP . Further, while sharing, the EDIT folder is also being created in FooEdit folder. In VSS, only the sub-folders of EDIT gets shared in FooEdit folder .

I am not sure whether this is due to the status being 'Un-Known' for most of the files in SOS as I have got the latest versions through VSS.

Thanks for your help

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Post by Guest » Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:28 am

Hi Linda
This is really a bug. but not like what you said.
This phenomenon even appears when I share a folder with no sub-folders.
my version is sourceoffsite 4.02 and VSS60d. It remains after I upgrade to 4.10.
the Share Operation is successful, but on client, you know, the client should have a local copy of shared folder(new place)(refer to the attached picture), but when the error message poped out, we can find on the screen that not all files have local copy, and the client halts.
I remember that I never encounted this problem in 3.52 Server.
Could you investigate this?
soserror.JPG (93.11 KiB) Viewed 12252 times

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Post by lbauer » Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:48 pm

What error message are you getting? Does the SOS Server seem to hang during this share operation?

If you're using VSS 6.0d, have you made the registry change in this KB article?

If the client stops during the operation, it's possible there's some sort of concurrency crash happening.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


Post by Guest » Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:40 am

I have to say that I have encountered this exact same problem with server and client version 4.1.

During a share operation where you are sharing one project with another project, for example, you want to share:




using the recursive option where all subprojects and files in FOO are also shared, then I receive the error "Unknown error occurred accessing "name and path of a file"".

The client will then hang and you have to click the traffic light stop button to regain control and then reconnect to the SOS server. On reconnect, the attempted share process seems to function correctly up until the file on which the error occurred. After that the files are imported into the new project but are NOT shared! Occasionally also, local files are not created.

Had anyone else experienced this?


Unstable and dangerous

Post by MaripoSa » Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:03 am

Source offSite has initially a very poor and tangled way to share folders. Lately it has become more and more difficult to share anything at all.. I thought it was my SOS-DB which was growing to large or something.. But there are obviously more tormented people out there...

-guess Sourcegear should fix this bug ASAP!!! No use for SOS when it can't even manage the easiest opperations.


Post by Guest » Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:32 am

Sourcegear > any new on whether this is officially a bug?

We are considering upgrading from 3.5.3 to 4.1, but this issue is preventing us at present.

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Post by lbauer » Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:30 am

I wan't able to reproduce these kinds of errors with share. I'm using SOS 4.1.

I followed Guest's case:

I created a folder named TestA with subfolder Foo. Also created TestB. I added files to TestA and Foo. I right-clicked on TestB and selected share. In the share dialog I selected TestA in the project tree and checked the recursive option, then OK.

TestA\Foo was then shared into TestB: $\TestB\TestA\Foo.

Files showed up as shared, though I had to refresh the file list in TestA and Foo for the share icon to appear.

For those of you encountering errors, I'd like to see the error message(s), the log file for the time corresponding to the share operation, and any screenshots that might be helpful in diagnosing or reproducing the problem. Also, describe the structure of the project you're trying to share and the steps you took to share it.

Sometimes errors are caused by inconsistencies in the VSS database. Analyze might clear some of these up:

I need to know the version of SOS Server and client you are using and it might be a good idea to tell me which version of the SourceSafe automation component you have on the SOS Server machine. Sometimes different versions behave differently with SOS.

Here's how to determine the version of the ssapi.dll file:

You can post here or email linda at
Shared project
share.gif (19.3 KiB) Viewed 12097 times
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Error while sharing recursively

Post by sietze » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:35 am

Hi Linda,
I'm getting the same error. Here's some information that might help:

ssapi.dll: 5.0.2195.6604
Server: Visual SourceSafe Version 6.0c (Build 9238), W2000 Server 5.00.2195 SP4
Client: Version 4.1, Windows XP Professional SP2
Analyze of the databases doesn't help

The structure of my (test)project:
<dir3> containing 5 jpg's
<sharedir>: i'm trying to share <dir1> into this dir.

attachted is a screenshot of the error message


Messages in the logfile on the server:
--------------------------------- start log ----------------------------------------
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - $/webdeploy/prod deploy to \\\\vmg-x2h\\e$\\cfcontent\\prod
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - SourceSafe Initialization file(s) located at:
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\BaoVerkeer\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\CASCO\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\CF\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\CFcontent\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\DLDB\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\Learningplace\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\POS\srcsafe.ini
8-6-2005 17:20:25 - D:\VSS\TimeSheet\srcsafe.ini

8-6-2005 17:20:25 - vmg-sos is attempting to listen for connections on secure port 443

8-6-2005 17:20:25 - Waiting for a = True
8-6-2005 17:20:30 - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 1.
Send failed: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
8-6-2005 17:22:08 - 1: Exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
8-6-2005 17:22:08 - 1: Error removing user temp folder 'C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite Server\temp\Svlieg632538480318616704'.
8-6-2005 17:22:08 - The process cannot access the file "sosShareError3.jpg.z" because it is being used by another process.
8-6-2005 17:22:08 - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 2.
------------------------------- end log ----------------------------------------

Thanks for your help,
screendump of share error
sosShare.jpg (72.62 KiB) Viewed 11938 times

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Post by lbauer » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:05 am

Still can't reproduce this, so wild guesses will follow:

I note that the log file shows:

8-6-2005 17:22:08 - The process cannot access the file "sosShareError3.jpg.z" because it is being used by another process.

Is the .jpg a compressed file (.z extension)? Could it be unavailable to SOS because it's being compressed (or uncompressed) by some process?

Is there something else that could have that file locked or open?

Can you share other parts of the tree? Is the problem only with this node?
share.gif (7.09 KiB) Viewed 11918 times
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by gcarpenter » Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:16 pm

I have the exact same issue. Using 4.1, we did the 6.0d reg patch a while ago for a different symptom I believe.

If I try to share $/Trunk/Build into $/Branches/ShareRepro (right click on ShareRepro, select $/Trunk/Build, check recursive, hit okay, boom "Unknown error occurred access [file]").

If this is a bug is there an intended fix?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:09 pm

We can't reproduce this, so we can't confirm it is a bug.

Are you using the SOS 4.1 client and SOS 4.1 server?

Can you do a similar share operation on other parts of the tree? Is it just this node?

Have you run Analyze recently on your VSS database:

Since we can't reproduce the error on our databases, we'd need to get an archive of your VSS database or at least the portion where this problem shows up. Email Linda at and we'll work out the details.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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