Read-Only flag not set upon "Undo Check Out"

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Read-Only flag not set upon "Undo Check Out"

Post by jBritz » Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:45 am

The company I work for is using SoS 4.1 after upgrading from 3.53.

Upon "Check Out", the Read-Only attribute of the files are removed, making them Read-Write, ready to be edited.

When checking in files that have been edited, the Read-Only flag would be set on the changed files which is correct. No complaints there.

However, when performing an "Undo Check Out" against files that were'nt edited, the Read-Only flag is not set again, leaving them Read-Write.

This is making control of which files have been altered and changed difficult as files arn't being locked correctly.

"Use read-only flag for files that are not checked out" is ticket.

Suggestions anyone?

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Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:11 am

We were able to reproduce this. It's logged as a bug and hopefully will be fixed in our next release, due out in about 6 weeks.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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