VC++6 IDE Fails To Get Status

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VC++6 IDE Fails To Get Status

Post by derek » Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:43 am


We are currently evaluating SourceOffsite 4.1, which seems to be great, but we've run into a problem, which I hope you can help with.

Out project contains a number of VSS subprojects, three of which are called 'Am', 'AmDataset' and 'AmServer'. When I open a VC++6 project which contains files from these three VSS subprojects, the files in 'AmDataset' and 'AmServer' are shown as not being included in source control at all (although they are if I open the Sourceoffsite GUI). All files in 'Am' can be checked in and out correctly. When I tried to add one of the 'AmDataset' files to source control, it actually added it to a VSS subproject of 'Am' called 'ataset' (without the 'D'), so I had two copies in the database.

Is this a known problem? With this issue, unfortunately the IDE integration is pretty much useless to us.

Thanks in advance,

Derek Waters.

Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:13 am

Post by corey » Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:03 pm

Hi Derek,

Well, I'm not sure about the "ataset" (missing the "D", I don't think we've seen a problem like that before) but the main problem could be due to the local paths you have for the files. This could explain why the SOS GUI works fine, but within the IDE its messed up. Can you explain what the paths to these projects are within VSS, and the paths they map to on your local machine? For instance, is AmDataset a child (subproject) of Am, or a sibling?
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:12 pm

corey wrote:Hi Derek,

Can you explain what the paths to these projects are within VSS, and the paths they map to on your local machine? For instance, is AmDataset a child (subproject) of Am, or a sibling?
Hi Corey. The VSS structure matches up with the on-disk file structure:

In VSS (this list is much simplified - the actual project probably has 200 or so subfolders):

source files...
source files...
source files...
source files...
source files...
source files...

and this matches up with the file structure. Basically, any folder beginning with Am (AmDataset, AmServer, AmDataEntitlements) fails in the integration with VS6, but works fine from the SOS GUI. All of the files in subfolders of AM work fine. Weird.

Thanks for your help.

Derek Waters.


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:14 pm

Sorry about the poor formatting - forgot about HTML and spaces. The correct layout is:

------source files...
------source files...
---source files...
------source files...
------source files...
---source files...

Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:13 am

Post by corey » Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:58 am


Can you send me your <<servername>>.sos file, and your C++ project file? Those files may give us some clues and help us try to reproduce what you are seeing.
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:32 pm

Post by derek » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:22 pm

Hi Corey,

I couldn't find a <<servername>>.sos, the only one I could find that looked like it would have the right information was called database1.sos. I hope that this is correct (my server name is an IP address, not a domain name). I found the file in the path:

C:\Documents And Settings\DEREK\Application Data\SourceGear\SOS\servers\www\

Thanks again for your help.

Derek Waters
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