Get stuck logging in...

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Craig Arnold

Get stuck logging in...

Post by Craig Arnold » Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:21 am

I am a single remote user for our servers and have been happily using Sourceoffsite for login from my desktop system.

I am now switching to use my laptop as I am about to start travelling, and I find that I get stuck on the login.

The connection occurs fine, then I enter name and password and the cursor becomes an hourglass, the message pane shows the text :
Connecting to
Logging in...

And then it just sits there. After reading a previous thread I have tried to login to the server and have the same problem. I don't know how long I should be expected to wait, but after 15 minutes of an unresponsive GUI I just kill the process.

I have tried the login to your test server on my desktop machine and the login is pretty much instantaneous, it then says Downloading project tree please wait and that takes maybe 15 seconds. But on the laptop it simply sits at the Logging in.. phase.

I have disabled all anti-virus and anti-spyware programs but that has made no difference.

I have tried using both my wi-fi network connection and my ethernet adapter, same on both. I also disabled my loopback adapter just in case. No difference. I don't think it can be a networking issue, as the initial connection seems fine and there is no problem pinging the server.

I am using the same VPN software (Netscreen-remote) on my laptop and my desktop system with the same policy document; i.e. I can only be connected to the VPN from either the desktop machine or the laptop, not both simultaneously. All other remote connections are fine, including http connections to our web applications and RDP connections to various machines.

I'm now stuck. And if we can't resolve this will have egg on my face as I've got the company to fork out the money for the product, I'm the only user and now it's not working...

Please help.

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:56 pm

The hang seems to happen when you're logging into the database, so you're connecting to the servers. But something may be interfering with the connection.

Is it possible to try to connect by bypassing the VPN and connecting via dialup or other connection?

What operating system do you have on the laptop. Is there a personal firewall (like on XP SP2).

Can you telnet to the server port? From a command prompt type:

telnet <servername> <port>. For instance sos.sourceoffsite 8888.

If the connection passes, you should see a return message that starts with 200 Protocol -- Version: 2, etc.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


i get the same thing

Post by steve_shore123 » Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:11 am

I am using sos server 4.1 and the client is 4.02. when i telnet i get:

Database Aliases:NI Sources
Key Length:16

Is this correct? I do not have any firewall on that could be blocking it. If I restart the SOS service it works for a little while and then quits. How much memory should sos server use. Right now it is using about 38 megs.

Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:13 am

Post by corey » Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:40 pm

Hi Steve,

Sorry for the delay. What exactly do you mean by "it works for a while after restarting the server, and then quits"?

If you restart the server, you can connect with your laptop and perform operations as normal?

If that's the case, after it quits working, can you have someone send me the SOS server's log file? I'd like to take a look at it. You may also be encountering the concurrency bug in the VSS Automation component.
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC

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