Command Line Options

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Command Line Options

Post by praveenp » Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:26 am


Iam using Ver 4.0.2

Does the command line support option to do the following

1) pass a list of files that for which SOS status is to be retrieved.
2) Pass a list of files that can be checked-in.

Currently I found that seperate commands needs to be passed. I believe each command-line
a) connects to SOS server
b) logs in user,
c) performs the operation
d) logs of the user
e) disconnects from SOS server.

Can we skip steps a, b ,d and e for each file when a batch of files need to be executed.



Posts: 81
Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:27 am

Post by bfinney » Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:28 pm

4.0.2 did not support multiple files, but 4.1 does. If the files are in the same folder, you can supply a -file parameter with a comma seperated list.

This works on any operation that accepts the -file parameter. Note that you'll still have to issue seperate commands for each folder, since a vailid -project is still required.

4.1 is available at and will be free to you, since you're using 4.0.2.

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