Suggestion: Checkin only files selected, do not show all.

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Dave Schulte
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Suggestion: Checkin only files selected, do not show all.

Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:31 pm

Suggestion for improvement:

If a user selects specific files from an outstanding set of checkouts to checkin, on the resulting checkin dialog, only show those files the user selected. Do not show all files that have been checked out. If you continue to show all files, check off only those files that the user selected (currently all files end up being checked off) and have the files the user selected appear at the top of the list.

Just some suggestions.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:00 pm


This is the default behavior in Vault 3.0.x when you select a group of change set items, and then invoke "Commit Selected Operations..." from the context menu.
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:10 pm

The problem is that there is only one "change set" is there not? If you check out 5 files, then check out 5 more, they are all a part of the same change set, in that if you select "Commit All", you are committing all the changes as one unit. What I would like to do is to work on two "units of work" simultaneously, where each unit of work requires a different set of files. I can certainly checkout all of the files for both units at one time and work on them independently, but when I finish the first unit, I would like to check in only those files related to that unit, which I can do. I can select unit 1's set of files from the change set an click checkin. The problem is that even though I've explicitly selected a set of files, all the files in the "change set" appear as checked off. It's not a big deal to do an "unselect all" and then check off the files I want to check in together as a single changeset for unit 1's work, just a little bit of a pain, when I had excplicitly asked to checkin sepecific files together as a unit, from a much larger set of checked out files. This was not the behaviour I would have expected. Thanks again.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:19 pm


If you select Unit 1's 5 distinct changes, and invoke the context menu on one of the multi-selected items, you will see "Commit Selected Operations" - Invoke this. The next dialog will present you with ONLY those items you selected, not the entire change set.

As you mentioned, clicking the "Commit All" button invokes the commit as it is titled - commit all items as one change.
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:28 pm

Sorry, I should have been more explicit. I was using the "Checkin" icon in the upper toolbar -- to me this should behave just like the "commit selected operations" when just a few files are selected. Sorry about that.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:31 pm

I see. At this point in time, the "Commit" button on the change set is configured to commit all.

I've logged a RFE in your name to change the behavior if items are selected in the change set.
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:34 pm

Thanks. Please be sure to include in your note both the "Commit" button and the "Checkin" button, since I am guessing that they are different peices of code -- you wouldn't "Checkin" an "add file" for example.
Thanks again,

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:37 pm

"Checkin" button? Do you mean at the tool bar at the top?
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:40 pm

In the tool bar where you see icons for create folder, add files, label, etc, there is both a checkout icon and a checkin icon. It is the checkin icon that I am referring to. You might not want to change the "Commit All" button that appears in the middle of the screen. Does this help?

(if you hover over the icons in the upper tool bar, you see the description "checkin").

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:51 pm

The Checkin command ( from the toolbar or menu ) only affects file(s) which are selected in the "file view" to the right or file(s) contained in a sub-folder by highlighting an item in the "folder view" on the left.

Since a change set can be configured of items not found in either of these selected items, I'm going to leave the "Checkin" out of things for now, and focus strictly on the "commit" button on the change set.

Actually, the checkin command is filtering out based on the currently selected item, so the functionality you describe is already there for the Checkin command.
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:56 pm

Not totally true. If the focus of your cursor just before clicking on the checkin icon in the upper toolbar was in the change set frame, you send up seeing a dialog with all of the files present in the change set. Maybe if the last focus was the change set the checkin button acts just like the "Commit All" button and if you change the "Commit All" button behavior the checkin behavior will change right with it in these circumstances. I'm just guessing at this point.

Enough said, whatever you decide to do is fine. I'll continue to use the select files, right click, and commit selected approach for now.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:02 pm

No problem.

FWIW, I cannot recreate your situation -

For example, if I choose a file in the file list, which is not checked out / modified, the checkin command is disabled. Next if I set focus by selecting some change set items, click the commit all button or change set comment, the Checkin command is still disabled.

I can only enable the Checkin menu / toolbar by selecting a folder which contains changes or directly highlighting changed files. And then invoking the Checkin command only places those filtered items in the commit list.
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:14 pm

I see what you mean... it is a specific set of actions... try this:

1) check out several files.
2) go to the frame to the right where the file details appear.
3) click on a checked out file in the right frame. you should see the checkin button not greyed out at this point.
4) go to the change set frame at the bottom and use ctrl-click to select one or two files from the change set. you should still see the check in button not greyed out at this point.
5) now click on the checkin button in the upper tool bar

you should now see my problem in the resulting checkin/commit dialog.
let me know if this reproduces it.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:26 pm

Hmmm... I'm still not getting this behavior. Here is my current setup


Change set is full of 2 items. Next modify both files, so they can be committed.

If I first higlight $/folderA/, and then click checkedout_file1, the checkin button is enabled.

Next, I move down to the Change set, and Ctrl + Click both checkedout_file1 and checkedout_file2.

Finally, I click the "Checkin" toolbar from the very top toolbar (see attachment #1), I get checkedout_file1 as the only item in the dialog (see attachment #2).
attach 1
att1.jpg (78.62 KiB) Viewed 9809 times
attachment 2
att2.jpg (33.08 KiB) Viewed 9809 times
Jeff Clausius

Dave Schulte
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Post by Dave Schulte » Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:31 pm

Try from the same folder. All of the files that I am dealing with reside in the same folder.

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