Any Reference to SoS performance report?

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Any Reference to SoS performance report?

Post by hhaglund » Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:38 am

SoS 4.1.0
Is there any public (independent or not) SoS performance report?

You state it 'can be litteraly 10 times faster than VSS' over RAS.

Following performance would be interesting:
Real speed in contacts between continents considering network delays up to 500ms. Considering potential lost packages and/or packages arriving in opposite order.

Is there any (adaptive or by manual parameter setting) optimization considering tradeoff between network delay and package size.

Is the dialog between SoS server and client packaged in the same way independent of network delay?

What is real speed compared to theoretical eg when checking out hundreds of small files or when reading the VSS project tree to other side of earth?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:22 am

We don't know of anyone who's done independent testing, but if someone has, we'd be interested in the results.

It's hard to have a truly controlled test of SOS vs VSS, since network/internet traffic does play a role. You might be able to control traffic on your network but probably not over the Internet.
Is the dialog between SoS server and client packaged in the same way independent of network delay?
Yes. There's no network configuration available in SOS.

SOS performance depends a great deal on the specific types of operations, the number of users, the resources of the server machine, other software on the server machine, how often users run Analyze, etc.

We offer a 30-day, full featured demo of SOS so that users can try it in their particular environment, and decide for themselves if the performance meets their needs.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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