Proper Firewall settings for SOS 4.1

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Proper Firewall settings for SOS 4.1

Post by aksel » Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:10 pm

Hi. I'm trying to switch to SourceOffSite from Collab edition and am running into a problem where one of my remote users are trying to get into the server and it says the server isn't there.
However, he is able to ping it and port 8080 (the one being used) is open.

Is there another port that should also be opened on the router for SOS to run properly?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:45 pm

There may be a firewall blocking the connection.

Also, verify the user is using an SOS Classic Client, not an SOS Collab client.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 16
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Still not working through firewall

Post by aksel » Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:35 pm


This is still not working right. I tried changing my port to 8888, opened it on the firewall and then connecting remotely. Still no connection.

The log file shows:
1/9/2005 2:46:09 PM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 1.

Why would it be trying to use port 3316 instead of 8888?

Or am I missing something else?

Internally - I am using my own localhost and it seems to work fine. But if I try to use the IP address from a remote site, it doesn't connect.

Any ideas?

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Post by lbauer » Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:44 pm

The outgoing client port is determined by the Window operating system and can be different each time as log as the data is headed for the Server port and nothing between the client and server is blocking 8888 or 8080, the connection should be fine.

One way to test if the port is open to the client is to do the telnet test:

Telnet <servername> <port>, for instance <yourserver> 8888.

If the connection passes, you'll see the path to the VSS database. If not, you'll get an unable to connect. Then you should investigate what might be blocking the port. As I said in my last post, it could be a firewall on the Client side or server side. It could be a proxy.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:56 am

Update: Got it working

Post by aksel » Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:55 am

Got it working finally. Didn't realize I had my Windows 2003 firewall on as well as my router :?

Working just fine now.


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