VS2008 IDE Cannot Use VS2005 Plugin?

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VS2008 IDE Cannot Use VS2005 Plugin?

Post by AjarnMark » Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:53 pm

On a system that already had Visual Studio 2005 and Fortress 1.0.6 installed, I just installed Visual Studio 2008. The only Source Control option available is the VS2003 Client. I had the VS2005 IDE working with the VS2005 client just fine. Does Visual Studio 2008 not support the 2005 client? Is this one of those cases where I have to either use the old one or upgrade to Fortress 1.1? (We are planning to upgrade to 1.1, but it wasn't scheduled for a couple more months.)

For the record, I have gone through several iterations of uninstalling and reinstalling the Fortress client including unistalling the Fortress Server that had been previously installed on this PC for testing. (By the way, I did not have to use the MSI Clean-up Utility as described in http://support.sourcegear.com/viewtopic.php?t=9629). When I reinstalled the Fortress Client without the local server (connecting instead to our production server) the installer went through a section where it said it was updating the VS IDE, but apparently that only added the 2003 client back in to my VS2008 instance.

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Post by lbauer » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:49 pm

Does Visual Studio 2008 not support the 2005 client?
Support for VS 2008 and the Enhanced integration client (previously called the 2005 client) was implemented in the latest version, Vault 4.1.

In Vault 4.0.x, only the Microsoft Classic Client (previously called the VS 2003 client) is supported with VS 2008.

Vault 4.1 is a free upgrade from Vault 4.0.x. You need to update both client and server.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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