SOS 3.5.3 Project difference not showing deleted projects

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SOS 3.5.3 Project difference not showing deleted projects

Post by alender » Thu Apr 29, 2004 7:53 pm

When I perform a recursive difference on an project from which a subproject has been deleted, but where the corresponding subproject directory and files still exist on my local computer, the difference between my local image and the SourceSafe image is not detected. If this is the only difference between the two images, the difference utility is not even launched; if there are other file differences, the difference utility is launched, but the "rogue" directory in my local image is not detected.

For example, given the SourceSafe and local images shown below, no differences are reported, even though the local image contains a directory (Subproject1) and file (File1.cpp) that do not exist in SourceSafe.

SourceSafe image:
$/Project/Subproject1 (deleted)
File1.cpp (deleted)

Local image:

I am using SourceOffSite Classic 3.5.3 and my compare utility is Beyond Compare 2.1.2 (although this is not being launched). I'm not sure whether SourceSafe 6.0c or 6.0d is running on the server computer (I do not have administrative access to the server).


is there any fix for this?

Post by prabhakar » Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:36 pm

have anyone found a fix for this problem ?

SOS is not calling the diff tool if there isnt any file difference in content even though there is difference in the directory structure(extra files in the local comp)

but if there is content difference - then the extra files is shown along with the same

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:17 pm

We were able to replicate this behavior and will be looking into this further. There may be a bug in the way the diff tool works with SOS.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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