Database path length limit???

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Database path length limit???

Post by pigroup » Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:40 am


I am using SOS v4.1.2. I believe there was a database path limit in v3.5, and we created shares to get around the problem.

We are now using full DFS paths, and now I notice that the last database in the list (under the server manager) has its path truncated. So, for e.g., instead of it saying:

\\company.local\project\DB1\tools\vss\srcsafe.ini - DB1
\\company.local\project\DB2\tools\vss\srcsafe.ini - DB2

It says:

\\company.local\project\DB1\tool - DB1, DB2

Is this because there is still a path limit?



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Post by lbauer » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:58 am

I sent pigroup a special build of the SOS Server Manager that fixes this problem.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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URGENT - Cannot add another database

Post by pigroup » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:52 am


This is an urgent request. Since copying the new servermanager.exe program to the SOS directory (and restarting the SOS service) I cannot seem to add another database to the list. I browse to the file, which exists, and I get no errors in adding the database. When I restart the SOS service this is logged in the logging file:

28/06/2006 08:48:01 - Number of licenses configured: 75
28/06/2006 08:48:02 - \\\\us.local\\technology\\projects\\project1\\tools\\vss\\srcsafe.ini does not exist!
28/06/2006 08:48:03 - SourceSafe Initialization file(s) located at:
28/06/2006 08:48:03 - \\us.local\technology_us\Projects\project2\vss\srcsafe.ini
28/06/2006 08:48:03 - \\us.local\technology\projects\project3\tools\vss\srcsafe.ini

The above uses DFS paths, but I also tried to add using the \\servername path too, Same error!


Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:34 am

Cancel last request

Post by pigroup » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:56 am

Sorry, I tried adding another database and this works. There seems to be a problem with this particluar database.

Please cancel this request.



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